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§ 154.060 CREATED.
   An Active Transportation Board is hereby established.
(Ord. 141-22, passed 12-13-2022)
§ 154.061 COMPOSITION.
   The active transportation board shall consist of nine members with seven members appointed by the mayor with the advice and consent of the city council. The board shall be chaired by the Director of Planning and Development Services or their designee. One member shall be the Director of Public Works or their designee. The seven appointed members shall be a diverse mix of citizen representatives of the community including; three persons representing the bicycle subcommittee, the pedestrian subcommittee, and the PATH subcommittee. One member shall be appointed representing the development/real estate community. The remaining three members shall be appointed at-large and representing the values, needs, and concerns of all users of the city's roadways and transportation network system, including people who walk, ride bicycles, use transit, drive, and use other mobility devices.
(Ord. 141-22, passed 12-13-2022)
§ 154.062 TERM OF OFFICE.
   The board shall consist of no less than seven and no more than nine members who serve three year terms for a maximum of two consecutive full terms with two members to initially serve only a one-year first term and two members to serve only a two-year first term so that there will be an overlapping of terms as determined by the mayor. The Public Works and Planning and Development Services Director positions shall remain as permanent positions of the board. An appointed person may continue to serve the board for up to an additional four months after the expiration of the term of office until a replacement is appointed and approved. If any person is appointed to serve an unexpired term and serves less than one-half of that remaining unexpired term, then that person would be eligible to serve an additional two consecutive full terms of office. A board member may serve up to four months after the expiration of his/her term of office until a replacement is appointed and approved.
(Ord. 141-22, passed 12-13-2022)
§ 154.063 OPERATION.
   The board shall establish bylaws that include election of officers as needed, meetings, conflict of interests, and quorums. The bylaws shall be approved or amended by a two-thirds majority of all members of the board.
(Ord. 141-22, passed 12-13-2022)
   All members of the active transportation board shall serve as such without compensation, except for actual expenses, which shall be subject to approval by the mayor.
(Ord. 141-22, passed 12-13-2022)
   During its first meeting, the active transportation board shall adopt bylaws. The active transportation board may fill such other of its offices as it may create.
(Ord. 141-22, passed 12-13-2022)
   The active transportation board shall generally meet monthly. A majority of the members constitute a quorum. The planning and development services department shall staff the board.
(Ord. 141-22, passed 12-13-2022)