(a) Purpose. Sign alternative plans allow limited modifications from the on-premise sign regulations subchapter of §§ 160.570 et seq. for MMU1, MMU2, MMU3, C-4, S-2 PUD, PO-PUD, and V-PUD districts.
(b) Standards.
(1) The proposed sign(s) are architecturally and aesthetically compatible with the major structures on the subject site and adjacent sites and is compatible with the major character of the established neighborhood and general environment.
(2) The proposed sign(s) are consistent with the standards within the Shape Sioux Falls 2035 Comprehensive Plan while also meeting the below standards.
A. Larger signs may be warranted when a street or highway is designed with speeds and sight distances that require larger sizes to be readable.
B. The proposed sign should only be as large as what is required to adequately communicate intended messages without distracting motorists, inhibiting visibility, or presenting other visual conflicts or safety hazards. Periodic review of the engineering office's adopted MUTCD standards should be considered.
C. The proposed sign should be spaced far enough from other signs so as to avoid visual clutter and provide adequate visibility at driveways and intersections and from one sign to another along a street corridor.
D. The proposed sign shall be oriented away, when possible, from adjacent residential neighborhoods.
E. In pedestrian-oriented business districts, limit signs to appropriately-scaled signs, including wall or attached projecting signs; or monument signs when buildings are setback from the street property line.
(3) Sign is allowed within the applicant's area that is otherwise allowed by the on-premise sign regulations subchapter §§ 160.570 et seq.
(4) A master sign plan may be provided for all current and future signs within a campus identified by size, color, shape, height, and common theme. This master plan can allow additional flexibility for size, height, and location of signage if it can be demonstrated that the master sign plan is superior and more innovative than general standards and promotes a more attractive environment.
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013
; Ord. 30-23, passed 5-2-2023
(a) Purpose. The alternative site plan is to allow, in appropriate circumstances, for up to zero foot front yards for RE2 forms. The purpose is to maintain or improve the streetcar development style along appropriate street corridors.
(b) Standards. The following standards must be included within the alternative site plan.
(1) When the sidewalk is attached to the street and the building is adjacent to the sidewalk, the sidewalk must be at least 12 feet in width.
(2) Include appropriate street furniture to help develop a pedestrian-oriented entrance.
(3) When the building is adjacent to the sidewalk, but not adjacent to a street, the sidewalk must be at least eight feet in width.
(4) Front doors adjacent to attached sidewalks must be recessed.
(5) Thirty percent square footage of the façade must be windows or 20% windows and 10% articulated façade.
(6) No parking is allowed in the areas designated on the plan for pedestrians.
(7) Streetcar alternative plans shall provide the same level of landscaping as generally required by each form regulations, but allowed to do so in different locations on the parcel.
(8) Street car alternative plans shall also adhere to all standards of alterative landscape and buffer yard plans (§ 160.599).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013)
The planning commission may authorize by conditional use permit the uses designated in this subchapter when located in a zoning district allowing that use. The planning commission shall impose those conditions as are appropriate and necessary to ensure compliance with the comprehensive plan and protect the health, safety, and general welfare in the issuance of the conditional use permit. Unless expressly modified by the board of adjustment, all regulations of the zoning district in which the use is located shall apply. No primary on-sale alcoholic beverage license shall be issued unless the owner or lessee of the premises on which the on-sale alcoholic beverage establishment is to be operated first shall have obtained a conditional use permit for that establishment on the premises.
(1992 Code, App. B, § 15.59.010) (Ord. 42-83, passed 6-27-1983; Ord. 56-05, passed 6-6-2005; Ord. 13-07, passed 1-16-2007; Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013)