Any licensee under this chapter, its agents or employees or the manager or contractual operators, or their agents or employees, of retail establishments licensed under this chapter, who in the course of the operation of the license, are convicted of a violation of any law, rule, regulation or ordinance relevant to alcoholic beverage control, shall upon reapplication for a license submit with the reapplication a management plan which sets forth the licensee’s policy for correcting any and all defects in its operation that contributed to the violation. The city council will review the adequacy of the plan as part of the renewal process. Failure to submit a plan or submission of an inadequate plan shall be considered by the city council in exercising its discretion to approve or disapprove the application pursuant to SDCL 35-2-1.2.
(1992 Code, § 5-11) (Ord. 39-98, passed 4-6-1998; Ord. 53-18, passed 6-19-2018)