(a) Adequacy. The streets and drives on a proposed planned unit development site shall be adequate to serve the occupants of the development.
(b) Primary Drives. All drives designed to provide primary access through a development shall be improved with pavement having a minimum width of twenty-eight feet. All improvements of such drives shall be constructed in accordance with general City standards, including the installation of standard curbs and gutters, for public streets of the City.
(c) Secondary Drives. All secondary drives and vehicular ways shall be improved with pavement having a minimum width of twenty-six feet. All improvements of such drives and ways shall be constructed in accordance with general City standards, including the installation of standard curbs and gutters, for public streets of the City.
(d) Drives Serving Garages. Where a private drive serves only garages, and the drive is posted to prohibit all other uses or parking, the-drive shall be improved with pavement having a minimum width of twenty-six feet and shall otherwise conform to general City standards, including the installation of standard curbs and gutters, for public streets of the City.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
(a) To Development Sites. Vehicles shall have access to a planned unit development site only from a public street. However, no vehicle shall have direct access to a development site from a major public street, unless the Planning Commission determines: (1) That an existing development site has no alternative means of ingress and egress; and (2) That the owner of the site has shown that access from a major street will not hazardously affect the function of the street or be detrimental to the safety of motorists.
(b) To On-Site Parking Areas. Vehicles shall have access to on-site parking areas by means of:
(1) A loop system, each one-way roadway of which has a minimum width of twenty feet; or
(2) All drive and vehicular accessways that provide access for fire and emergency vehicles or either.
A minimum vertical clearance of fourteen feet and-a minimum horizontal clearance of twenty feet shall be provided.
(c) To Dwelling Units. Vehicles shall not have direct ingress to or egress from individual units from or to a public street.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
A pedestrian circulation system shall be incorporated into the development for the purpose of providing direct access to and from all individual dwelling units, trash storage areas, parking areas, recreational areas and other outdoor living spaces. The circulation system shall be developed with a combination of the following improvements
(a) A public sidewalk system adjacent to all public streets or drives which shall be constructed in accordance with general standards of the City for public sidewalks; and
(b) An interior walkway system, which shall include -pedestrian walks or paths consisting of varying widths designed to provide curvilinear forms wherever possible. The interior walkway system shall utilize substantial materials such as concrete, brick, flagstone or other materials approved by the City Manager.
However, the Planning Commission may approve an alternative sidewalk and pedestrian access plan which it determines will accomplish substantially the same results.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
The Planning Commission, upon review of a proposed planned unit development plan, may, even if the plan complies with the requirements of Sections 1260.18 through 1260.28(b), require modifications in the size, number and location of access points and vehicular, pedestrian or multi-model on-site circulation systems, which modifications it determines to be necessary or proper in order to protect and enhance adjacent properties and protect the public safety and welfare.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
A planned unit development plan shall include such provisions for the ownership and maintenance of all common open spaces as are reasonably necessary, as determined by the Planning Commission, to ensure the continuity, care, conservation and maintenance of such spaces, and to ensure that remedial measures will be available to the owners of individual units or their association if such space is permitted to deteriorate or is not maintained in a condition consistent with the best interests of the occupants of such development and of the entire community, or either.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
The developer of a planned unit development shall install a lighting system on all streets, roads and drives and along all major walkways in the development which shall equal in illumination lighting on public streets of the City, subject to approval of the City Manager. Such lighting shall be directed onto the drives and walkways and away from adjacent properties. Walkway lighting shall be a low-level fixture, shall be spaced to provide adequate walkway illumination, shall be vandalproof and shall not intrude unnecessarily into residential units. All drives, walkways, parking areas, outdoor activity areas, outdoor entries to individual dwelling units, private patios, mail collection areas and trash collection areas shall be illuminated during hours of darkness. Lighting for individual dwelling unit entries and private patios shall be independently controlled by the occupants of such dwelling unit.
(Ord, 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)