All residential planned unit developments shall be designed to meet all of the general development standards concerning open space, circulation, off-street parking, height, coverage, bulk and other conditions prescribed in this chapter in such manner as to form a harmonious integrated project of sufficient unity to justify exception to the general requirements of this Zoning Code. In addition, a planned unit development shall meet the development standards prescribed in other parts of this chapter which by their terms are applicable to such developments of the type in question.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
The location and arrangement of structures, harking areas, drives, walks and fences, lighting, signing and appurtenant facilities in a planned unit development shall be compatible with the surrounding land uses. The development shall not impose an undue burden on public services and facilities, such as fire and public services, or on the local school system.
(Ord. 1049, Passed 2-26-85.)
Density standards prescribed in this Zoning Code for the zone in which a planned unit development is located shall apply, unless the Planning Commission finds that authorization of a greater density in such development as provided in this chapter will provide greater open apace and other desirable features which are not regularly required for the zone. However, the Commission may not authorize a density within-such development exceeding 150 percent of the density authorized by this honing Code for the zone in which such development is located.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
The minimum area of each individual use axes in a planned unit development shall be:
Individual Use Area Minimum Area
Residential 1/2 acre
Residential./office/professional 7, 200 sq. ft.
Residential/commercial None
Commercial None
Industrial 2 acres
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
Buildings and structures shall not cover more of a lot or of the total development site than would be permitted in meeting:
(a) All requirements with respect to the zone in which such development is to be located; and
(b) All the requirements of this chapter.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
All buildings and structures in a planned unit development shall be set back from a street, road or drive, whether or not dedicated to public use, not less than the distance required with respect to setbacks from dedicated public streets in the zone in which the development site will be situated, except as herein provided. If the street, road or drive is formally dedicated to public use, the setback shall be from the dedicated right of way of the street, road or drive. If the street, road or drive is not formally dedicated to public use, the.setback shall be from a line established by a recordable instrument executed and acknowledged by the owner of the development site, expressly approved by the Planning Commission as establishing a setback that is compatible with the general setback requirements in the zone and as being sufficient as to form, and recorded by the Clerk-Treasurer at the expense of the owner before any affected building site in the development is sold -or contracted to be sold, or before construction of any building or structure on any such site is commenced. However, the Commission may.require an additional setback from a heavily traveled street, road or drive if it determines such a setback to be reasonably necessary or proper for the public health, safety and welfare.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
Where a proposed building is to be constructed without an attached or detached garage for each dwelling unit, a minimum of 100 cubic feet of private storage space shall be provided within each dwelling unit. Such storage area shall be accessible from the exterior of the individual dwelling unit and the design, location and size of the storage space shall be integrated into the building and the development generally.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)