   All setback areas in a planned unit development fronting on or visible from a public street and all recreation, leisure and open areas shall be landscaped and permanently maintained in an attractive and appropriate manner. Such landscaping shall consist primarily of ground cover, trees, shrubs and other living plants. Landscape maintenance shall be subject to immediate and periodic inspection by the City.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
1260.35 SIGNS.
   (a)   There shall be provided by the developer of a residential planned unit development signs that will enable motorists, pedestrians and emergency services, including fire and police services, to locate residential units from access points on the perimeter of the development. Such signs shall illustrate the site plan, names of streets and drives and ranges of corresponding street and drive addresses. Such signs shall include the following:
      (1)   One indirectly illuminated monument sign leer development entrance for the purpose of identification, which shall contain the wame and, address of the development only. Such sign shall not exceed twenty square feet in aggregate area or five feet in overall height. It shall be erected within a landscaped area and located not less than fifteen feet from the curb face.
      (2)   1n lieu of a monument sign such as is referred to in paragraph (a)(1) hereof, one wall sign per development entrance, which shall be incorporated into an exterior perimeter wall of the development. Such sign shall consist of in individually mounted letters and numbers which identify the name and address of the development only. Such letters and numbers shall not exceed eighteen inches in height and shall be indirectly illuminated.
      (3)   One directory sign per entrance of the development, which shall illustrate the site plan, names of streets and drives and ranges of corresponding street and drive addresses. Such sign. shall not exceed twenty square feet and five feet in height and shall be indirectly illuminated.
      (4)   One unlighted or luminous nameplate not exceeding thirty-two square inches in area for each dwelling unit,.indicating the address number of the unit; and
      (5)   Private drive signs at uniform locations throughout the development. Such signs shall be similar to standard City street signs and shall be approved by the City Manager.
   (b)   For sale, lease, rent and sold signs, which are permitted in Chapter 1272, are permitted in a planned unit development.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
   The Planning Commission, before approving a planned unit development, shall consider the following standards, as well as those referred to elsewhere in this chapter:
   (a)   Architectural features and general appearance of the proposed development shall enhance the orderly. and harmonious development of the entire development and the community as a whole.
   (b)   Architectural features and permanent colors, if any, shall be incorporated into the design of all vertical exterior surfaces of buildings in such a manner as to create an aesthetically pleasing whole.
   (c)   Particular attention shall be given to incorporating the design of the proposed development, including colors of signs, into the overall design of the entire development in order to achieve a unity.
   (d)   Vehicular accessways shall be designed with landscaping and building variations to avoid an alley-like appearance.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)