1260.01 Findings.
1260.02 Intent and purposes.
1260.03 Application of chapter.
1260.04 Special permits; review of preliminary plans.
1260.05 Applications for special permits.
1260.06 Submission of additional documents.
1260.07 Concurrent applications.
1260.08 Schedule of construction.
1260.09 Recommendations by City Manager.
1260.10 Bond.
1260.11 Conditions, duration, renewal and transfer of permits.
1260.12 Construction.
1260.13 Occupancy permits.
1260.14 Development standards.
1260.15 Compatibility with surrounding land uses.
1260.16 Accessibility of development site.
1260.17 Ownership of development.
1260.18 Density standards.
1260.19 Individual use areas.
1260.20 Lot coverage.
1260.21 Setbacks.
1260.22 Height of structures.
1260.23 Private storage areas.
1260.24 Vehicular storage.
1260.25 Other accessory uses.
1260.26 Walls and fences.
1260.27 Streets and drives.
1260.28 Vehicular access.
1260.29 Pedestrian circulation systems.
1260.30 Modification of plans.
1260.31 Common open spaces.
1260.32 Dedicated recreational areas.
1260.33 Lighting systems.
1260.34 Landscaping.
1260.35 Signs.
1260.36 Appearance standards.
1260.37 Sewerage and water systems.
1260.38 Fire hydrants.
1260.39 Utility installations.
1260.40 Trash collection areas.
1260.41 Laundry areas.
1260.42 Mail delivery.
1260.43 Additional standards.
1260.44 Condominium property.
1260.45 Townhouses.
1260.46 Cluster housing.
City planning and zoning - see R.S.N. Secs. 19-901 et seq.
Districts - see R.S.N. Secs. 19-902, 19-904, 19-1915
Subdivisions in planned unit developments - see P. & Z. 1228.11
The general intent and purposes of this chapter are to establish standards and procedures, including standards and procedures that are more flexible than those which are prescribed by conventional zoning regulations, whereby sufficiently large and properly located land areas can be developed in accordance with innovations and imaginative land planning concepts in a manner that will best serve both private and public interests. More particularly, but without limitation of the above generalities, the intent and purposes of this chapter are to:
(a) Permit greater flexibility in the design of integrated developments;
(b) Encourage the design of varieties of housing and other land uses in such developments;
(c) Encourage reservation of greater proportions of open spaces for visual purposes and recreational uses;
(d) Ensure, in the. process, that population density and building density and bulk conform to the general objectives of the City's Zoning Code, Subdivision Regulations. and Comprehensive Development Plan; and
(e) Facilitate accomplishment of these objectives through planned unit developments of various types.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
(a) The Planning Commission may issue a special permit authorizing a planned unit development in R-1, R-1a, R-2, R-3, R-5, OP, C-1, C-2, C-3, M-1(s), and M-2 Zones, and for that purpose modifying, as to that development, as provided in this chapter, zoning regulations relating to height, setback, area requirements and other provisions of this Zoning Code which otherwise would apply .to the development, if the Commission determines that the requirements of this chapter are met. However, the Commission may not issue a special permit for townhouses or cluster housing in OP, C-1, C-2, C-3, M-1, M-1(s) and M-2 Zones.
(b) A developer, before filing with the Planning Commission an application for a special permit for a planned unit development, shall present preliminary plans for the development to the City Manager for review. The developer shall be prepared to outline during the presentation discussion the scope and character of the project. This presentation shall include, but not be limited to:
(1) A tentative statistical summary of the proposal, including the gross site area, net site area, number of each variety of dwelling units, total number of dwelling units, garages and parking spaces, area devoted to open space, common ground and recreational area, and the proposed traffic circulation system;
(2) A tentative site plan, including a topographical map;
(3) A description of building types;
(4) A tentative staging plan and a general time schedule of expected completion dates of elements of the plan;
(5) A tentative financial plan and a description of the intended means of financing any proposed recreational and community facilities;
(6) The size and scope of accessible shopping facilities, if any;
(7) The size and scope of any other community facilities;
(8) A preliminary statement regarding the ownership and maintenance of open space, common ground and recreational areas; and
(9) Changes, if any, of zoning requested.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)