664.01 Definitions.
664.02 Use of privies, cesspools, etc.
664.03 Drainage of privies, cesspools, etc.
664.04 Cleaning of privies, cesspools, etc.
664.05 Transportation of human excrement.
664.06 Disposal of excrement.
664.07 Treatment required.
664.08 Accessibility of sewers.
664.09 Proximity of receptacles to food areas.
664.10 Discharge of kitchen or laundry water.
664.11 Garbage disposal.
664.12 Manure; containers.
664.13 Proximity of animals to dwelling houses.
664.14 Animals running at large.
664.15 Disposal of carcasses.
664.16 Mosquitoes; swamps and ponds.
664.17 Mosquitoes; water receptacles.
664.18 Operating of slaughterhouses, etc.
664.19 Polluted water.
664.20 Littering and deposit of rubbish and junk.
664.21 Expectorating; vomiting.
664.22 Air pollution standard.
664.225 Deposit of leaves or grass cuttings.
664.23 Enforcement.
664.99 Penalty.
Dogs at large - see GEN. OFF. 604.06
Dog and cat nuisances - see GEN. OFF. 604.14
Discharge of garbage into sanitary sewers - see S.U. & P.S. 1040.01
Discharge of industrial wastes into sanitary sewers - see S.U. & P.S. 1040.02
Residential garbage and rubbish collection and disposal - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1060
Open burning - see F.P. Ch. 1604