CM Commercial Mixed Use District
CM Commercial Mixed Use District
1234.01 Purpose.
1234.02 Permitted uses.
1234.03 Conditional uses.
1234.04 Accessory uses and structures.
1234.05 Use requirements for large parcel development.
1234.06 Lot and density regulations.
1234.07 Yard requirements.
1234.08 Height requirements.
1234.09 Parking requirements.
1234.10 Design standards and principles.
1234.11 Allowable encroachments and distance.
1234.12 Site plan review.
Sign regulations in commercial districts - see P. & Z. 1250.07
Off-street parking in commercial districts - see P. & Z. Table 1251.02
Landscape buffering and screening regulations - see P. & Z. 1253.09
Temporary uses - see P. & Z. Ch. 1261
Accessory uses and structures - see P. & Z. Ch. 1262
Permitted outdoor business activities - see P. & Z. 1260.02
1234.01 PURPOSE.
The purpose of this district is to encourage a compact mix of retail, service, office, housing and public activities to coexist in a manner that reflects human scale and emphasizes pedestrian orientation, taking advantage of the convenience provided by multi-modal transportation options and the vitality that mixed uses can bring to a community. CM Commercial Mixed Use Districts ("CM Districts") can serve both local and regional commercial needs, while reflecting the scale and character of Shaker Heights in a manner which protects adjacent areas from any adverse effects.
The regulations for this district are intended to create areas of concentrated development around key transit stops in order to:
A. Create dense, walkable, mixed-use centers wherein daily goods and services and employment opportunities are located within walking distances of residents.
B. Improve the pedestrian environment through building orientation, attractive building facades, and pedestrian amenities.
C. Expand residential and lifestyle options with increased mobility choices.
D. Enhance the overall quality of life of Shaker Heights' residents, businesses and visitors by creating great places.
E. Take advantage of the benefits of transit, including the value that transit services add to adjacent and surrounding real estate, and increase the physical and cultural prominence of transit in the community.
G. Ensure that new development or redevelopment occurs in a unified manner consistent with transit-oriented development (TOD) plan(s) adopted by the City.
(Ord. 13-16. Passed 5-28-13.)
The following are permitted uses in the CM District, pursuant to any additional standards set forth herein.
A. Art galleries and artist studios, provided that when located on the first floor, the area devoted to public display and retail sales of products is not less than 50% of the area of the first floor devoted to such use.
B. Business services, including but not limited to copying, desktop publishing, photographic services, and other similar uses.
C. Dwelling units located above the first floor
D. Government office buildings, libraries, museums.
E. Offices, including professional offices, medical offices and clinics for the treatment and aid of humans.
F. Public space.
G. Restaurants, including sit-down and carry-out establishments.
H. Retail sales, including but not limited to food and beverage stores, clothing and shoe stores, camera and film processing shops, florists, jewelry stores, drug stores, furniture and home furnishings, books, periodicals, music, office supplies, hardware, video stores, sporting goods and hobbies, gift shops, and other similar uses.
I. Personal service establishments, including but not limited to laundry and dry cleaning facilities, beauty salons and barber shops, travel agencies, shoe repair shops, banks and other financial institutions.
(Ord. 13-16. Passed 5-28-13.)
Conditional Uses are those uses having some special impact or uniqueness that requires a careful review of their location, design, configuration, and special impact to determine the desirability of permitting their establishment on any given site. Permits for Conditional Uses may be granted pursuant to the requirements of Section 1213.05, Conditional Uses. General standards for conditional use permits are found in Section 1213.05 H, Standards for Conditional Use Permits. Standards for specific conditional uses may be found in Chapter 1263, Conditional Uses, or elsewhere as referenced herein.
All conditional uses shall meet the design standards and principles in Section 1234.10 as well as additional standards set forth herein.
In order to control the mixture and locations of uses in this district, the following may be permitted only as Conditional Uses in the CM District:
A. Amusement devices, as defined by the Business Regulation Code, in excess of two, pursuant to Section 1263.01.
J. Dwelling, multiple family, provided that the area devoted to first floor residential uses does not exceed 40% of the total first floor area of the buildings in the district.
M. Hospitals and outpatient care facilities for the treatment and aid of humans, pursuant to Section 1263.14.
N. Hotels and motels.
R. Recreational facilities, indoor, public or private.
V. Utilities (including substations, transmission facilities and related facilities).
W. Wine bars and brew pubs.
Y. Similar uses approved by the City Planning Commission and City Council pursuant to Section 1213.05 D.2.
(Ord. 18-25. Enacted 4-23-18.)