A.    Except as provided elsewhere in this Zoning Ordinance, each principal and accessory use of land shall be provided with the number of off-street parking spaces indicated for that use in Table 1251.02, Schedule of Off-Street Parking Requirements. When the intensity of use of any structure or lot is increased through a change in use or the addition of dwelling units, gross floor area, seating capacity, or other units of measurement used in Table 1251.02, Schedule of Off-Street Parking Requirements, additional parking facilities shall be provided as required for the entire use as increased.
   B.    Minimum requirements shall be computed per dwelling unit or on the gross square footage of the building or buildings excepting space used exclusively for mechanical equipment necessary for lighting, heating or air conditioning the building.
   C.    When any calculation results in a fraction of a parking space, any fraction shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.
   D.    In the event this Zoning Ordinance does not specify the number of parking spaces for a specific use, the Zoning Administrator shall determine the number of spaces required. In making this determination, the Zoning Administrator shall consider the following criteria:
      1.    The number of off-street parking spaces required for a use listed in Table 1251.02, Schedule of Off-Street Parking Requirements, that is the most similar to the proposed use in terms of the parked vehicles that are anticipated to be generated.
      2.    The square footage to be occupied by the proposed use.
      3.    The number of employees and patrons that are anticipated for the proposed use.