A.    Section 1260.01.B above notwithstanding, the following uses need not be enclosed if located in a commercial district:
      1.    The loading and unloading of vehicles necessary for the transaction of business.
      2.    The maintenance of parking areas for use by employees and customers.
      3.    The display and sale of goods sold on the premises, provided the display is located behind the building setback line and within fifteen (15) feet of the principal building, and does not occupy or interfere with the use of required off-street parking spaces and aisles pursuant to Section 1263.17, Outdoor Storage.
      4.    Outdoor seating for restaurants, pursuant to Section 1262.11, Outdoor Dining.
      5.    Pump islands at automotive fuel stations.
      6.    Garden centers, pursuant to the screening requirements of Section 1253.09, Landscape Buffers and Screening.
      7.    Car dealers, pursuant to the screening requirements of Section 1253.09, Landscape Buffers and Screening, and Section 1263.05, Automotive Related Uses.
   B.    Any of the above Outdoor Business Activities may be subject to additional development standards.