155.01 Purpose and Findings
155.15 Obstruction of Doors, Windows or Fire Escapes
155.02 Definitions
155.16 Signs Not to Constitute Traffic Hazards
155.03 Measurement Standards
155.17 Lighting
155.04 Permits and Fee
155.18 Beacon-Type Lights Prohibited
155.05 Applications for Permits
155.19 On-Premises Signage
155.06 Information Required for Illuminated Signs
155.20 Ground Signs
155.07 Issuance of Permit and Duration of Permit
155.21 Wall Signs
155.08 Inspection for Compliance
155.22 Roof Signs
155.09 Permit Revocation
155.23 Projecting Signs
155.10 Construction
155.24 Temporary and/or Portable Signs
155.11 Maintenance Required
155.25 Marquee Signs
155.12 Removal of Certain Signs
155.26 Awning and Canopy Signs
155.13 Prohibitions
155.27 Nonconforming Signs
155.14 Exemptions from Permits
155.28 Appeal