No person shall have or permit on any premises:
   1.   Any permanent sign which consists of or incorporates pennants, twirler lights, pinwheels, whirligigs, or other displays or devices which are designed to be activated by atmospheric conditions so as to attract or distract the attention of the public by virtue of their movements.
   2.   A ground sign which extends to any degree over public property. No sign or sign structure other than official traffic, street, or related sign approved for placement by the controlling public agency shall be placed on any street or highway right-of-way.
   3.   Any signs which employ flashing, blinking or rotating lights.
   4.   Any off-premises sign nearer than 500 feet radius to any other off-premises sign. Spacing from directional and official signs or any other sign which does not constitute an off-premises sign shall not be counted for the purposes of determining compliance with the spacing requirement.
   5.   Any off-premises sign shall not exceed 300 square feet or contain more than two (2) surfaces back to back.
   6.   Any off-premises sign in any zoning district other than Heavy Manufacturing Zone or Light Manufacturing Zone. Except that any off-premises sign in any zoning district other than Heavy Manufacturing Zone or Light Manufacturing Zone which is installed prior to this amendment becoming effective, shall be allowed to remain for a period of no more than five (5) years.
(Ord. 580 - Oct. 12 Supp.)
   7.   Signs attached to or placed upon rocks, fences, trees or utility poles.
   8.   Any sign or sign structure on private or public property without the consent of the owner or authorized agency thereof.