155.22   ROOF SIGNS.
Roof signs subject to the sign regulations shall meet the following location requirements:
   1.   The uprights, supports, and braces of any roof sign shall be constructed of materials as set forth in the building code adopted by the City.
   2.   No roof sign shall have its highest point extend more than 20 feet above the roof level.
   3.   No roof sign shall be erected or maintained with a face thereof near than five (5) feet to the outside wall toward the sign faces.
   4.   No roof sign shall be placed on the roof of any building or structure in such manner as to prevent free passage from one part of said roof to another part thereof, or interfere with openings on said roof.
   5.   Every roof sign shall be thoroughly secured to the building by iron or other metal anchors, bolts, supports, rods, or braces. The sign supports shall be anchored into the basic building structure, roof joists, or roof girders. The bearing points of such sign may bear on masonry walls or intermediate steel columns in the building or shall be supported or anchored to the structural members of the building.
   6.   Off-premises roof signs shall not be permitted.