For all types of signs subject to the sign regulations, in any zoning district other than the Neighborhood Business zone or all residential areas, there may be three (3) square feet of total signage for each foot of street frontage unless otherwise limited by this chapter. Where any side of a building abuts on an alley, only painted on wall signs shall be permitted on the side abutting the alley. Such sign shall be calculated as part of total permissible signage. For all signs in the Neighborhood Business zone and all residential zoning districts in the City, only the following signs are permitted:
   1.   Real estate signs, one per street frontage, not exceeding 12 square feet in cumulative area, which advertise the sale, rental, or lease of the premises upon which said signs are located only.
   2.   Signs, including bulletin boards, which are not over 16 square feet in area for public, educational, charitable, fraternal, or religious institutions when the same are located on the premises of such institutions.
   3.   Signs not over 12 square feet in cumulative area denoting only the name and/or profession/business of an occupant in a commercial building, public institutional building, or dwelling house provided there is not over 2 square foot of extraneous advertising matter on such sign.
   4.   Construction signs denoting the architect, engineer or contractor when placed upon work under construction, one sign per street frontage, and not exceeding 32 square feet in total area.
   5.   Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings, and date of erection when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of bronze or other noncombustible materials.
   6.   Publicly owned street name signs, traffic control signs, legal notices, railroad crossing signs, danger and temporary warning or emergency signs.
   7.   Emblems, names, logos, and symbols on motor vehicles and equipment being used for purposes other than the display of signs or advertising devices.
   8.   Public service signs which give only directions for flow of motor vehicle or pedestrian traffic or signs which provide only information about directing people to ancillary facilities such as parking, entrance, loading, etc.
   9.   Temporary signs supporting a candidacy for office or urging action on any other matter on the ballot of a primary, general or special election, or city election.
   10.   Temporary or portable signs.
   11.   Holiday decorations.
   12.   Subdivision Development Sign. One sign per preliminary plat for subdivisions of 2 acres or more in area shall be permitted. Such sign shall not exceed 96 square feet in area and 12 feet in height. It shall be located in the subdivision it identifies and no closer than 25 feet from any property line, no closer than 100 feet from any pre-existing residence and only on lots abutting collector or arterial streets. The sign shall be the sole use of the property on which it is located. The sign shall identify the name of the subdivision exactly as it is set out on the preliminary plat approved by the City and may include the names of the subdivision developers, a map of the area covered by the subdivision and a description of amenities in it. The sign shall not be installed until utility construction has begun in the subdivision and the sign shall be removed once building permits have been issued for 50% of the lots in the subdivision.
   13.   Residential Subdivision Entrance Signs. Signs located on private property shall be no closer to the traveled part of a street than the right-of-way line. Signs shall not be allowed in the street visibility triangle formed by joining points measured 20 feet distant along the property line from the intersection of two streets or 15 feet along both the street and alley line from the intersection of a street and an alley. It shall be unlawful to erect a subdivision entrance sign on public property, and subdivision entrance signs shall not be permitted off-premises. Two signs shall be permitted at each subdivision entrance. Double-faced signs shall be counted as two signs. The size of the message area of the sign shall not exceed 20 square feet. The size of the sign structure in comparison to the size of the message area shall not exceed a ratio of 7 to 1. Signs shall not exceed 6 feet in height. Maintenance of signs, illumination devices, and landscaping shall be the responsibility of the property owner. The message on a subdivision entrance sign shall include only the name and address of the subdivision. Signs may be illuminated internally or by reflected light subject, however, the light source shall not be directly visible and shall be arranged to reflect away from adjoining premises. No illumination involving movement, by reason of the lighting arrangement, the lighting source, or other devices shall be permitted. This includes blinking, flashing, rotating, and message changing.