20-7-1 Definitions; generally
20-7-2 Department
20-7-3 Shrubs
20-7-4 Trees; large
20-7-5 Trees; medium
20-7-6 Trees; small
20-7-7 Trees; street
20-7-8 Trees; topping
20-7-9 Trees; pruning and trimming
20-7-10 Trees; drop crotch pruning
20-7-11 Parking strip
20-7-12 Curb-sidewalk
Street Trees
20-7-13 Species
20-7-14 Spacing
20-7-15 List
20-7-16 Shrubs; height
20-7-17 Distance from corner, hydrants, utility lines, building, and driveways
20-7-18 Planting; permit required
20-7-19 Pruning and topping
20-7-20 Drop crotch pruning
20-7-21 Topping
20-7-22 Branches; obstruction of light and view; overhanging; pruning; unsafe and injurious trees; removal; nuisance
20-7-23 Same; duty to prune and remove
Hazardous Trees
20-7-24 Hazardous trees; statement of policy; discretion conferred
20-7-25 Notice to abate and remove nuisance; City Manager or his or her designee
20-7-26 Removal by city; assessment
20-7-27 Violations; penalty
Miscellaneous Provisions
20-7-28 Article; scope
20-7-29 Stumps; removal
20-7-30 Removal; obstruction of street during; permit; bond
20-7-31 Same; closure of street; permit; barricades; markers
20-7-32 Arborists; tree service; license; application; fees; insurance
20-7-33 Same; renewal
20-7-34 Tree; cutting down and injuring
20-7-35 Violations; penalties