52.01 Purpose, scope, and authority
52.02 Definitions
52.03 Collection by the city; city rights and duties
52.04 Collection and transportation requirement
52.05 Carts
52.06 Cart damage; prohibited
52.07 Cart placement and time of day
52.08 Recycling
52.09 Preparation
52.10 Rates, fees, and collection of charges
52.11 Required collection of mixed municipal solid waste
52.12 Inspection
52.13 City/county license review
52.14 Hours of operation
52.15 Scavenging
52.16 Contracted haulers
52.17 Contract violation
52.18 Backyard compost sites
52.19 Liquidated damages
52.20 Burying and burning prohibited
52.21 Land application of wastes; license required
52.22 Reporting
52.23 Illegal dumping; unauthorized dumping
52.24 Unlicensed open dumps
52.25 Solid waste disposal prohibition
52.26 Enforcement
52.27 Depositing waste into public property
52.28 Abandonment and storage of bulky waste
52.29 Throwing litter from vehicles
52.30 Additional requirements and provisions
(A) This chapter furthers the city’s goal to improve solid waste management, achieve a reduction in waste generated, and to serve these additional purposes:
(1) To protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare of the residents of the city.
(2) Encourage the separation and recovery of materials and energy from waste.
(3) To establish powers, duties, rules, regulations, and standards for the removal of solid waste from the city.
(4) Promote best management practices in solid waste management to protect air quality, water quality, and natural resources.
(5) Provide high quality solid waste and recycling services in the most cost-effective manner possible.
(6) To promote programs and recommend policies to reduce waste and promote yard waste reduction through separation of recyclables and yard and garden wastes; and encourage the purchasing of products that are most durable or contain recycled or recyclable materials.
(7) To meet minimum standards and requirements established by rules of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency regarding solid waste.
(8) To assure that the city complies with the city’s current comprehensive plan, the current Washington County Solid Waste Management Master Plan, and any updates to those plans approved by the city or the county.
(9) To provide for the administration of the chapter. The city has authority to enact ordinances for these purposes under M.S. § 412.221, subd. 22, which requires the City Council to provide for or regulate the disposal of garbage, recycling and other solid waste.
(B) Furthermore, this chapter is intended to protect, support and promote the health, welfare and safety of the public pursuant to M.S. Chapters 115A, 145A, 375, 400, and 473. This chapter is subject to change as necessary to reflect updated State of Minnesota statutes.
(Ord. 2023-15, passed 12-19-2023)
In addition to the terms set forth in this section, this chapter incorporates by reference terms defined in the Waste Management Act, M.S. § 155A.01 et seq. For the purpose of this chapter, the words “shall” and “must” are interpreted as mandatory and the words “should” and “may” are permissive. The terms used herein shall have the following meaning:
ACCEPTABLE HOUSEHOLD QUANTITIES. Waste that is otherwise unacceptable waste, but is contained in garbage, refuse, and municipal solid waste from household activities. For the purpose of this definition, “household” includes any residential dwelling unit or place of transient residence.
ACCEPTABLE NON-HOUSEHOLD WASTE. Waste that is otherwise unacceptable waste, but which is contained in garbage, refuse, and municipal solid waste generated from commercial, industrial, or community activities, where the quantity of such unacceptable waste contained in any load delivered to the designated facility does not constitute a significant portion of such load. No amount of hazardous waste that is regulated by law is acceptable waste.
ACCEPTABLE WASTE. Waste that is acceptable at the designated facility. ACCEPTABLE WASTE shall include garbage, refuse, and other municipal solid waste from residential, commercial, industrial and community activities that is generated and collected in aggregate and that is not otherwise defined herein as unacceptable waste. No amount of hazardous waste or infectious waste, which is regulated by law, is acceptable at the designated facility. ACCEPTABLE WASTE shall also include “acceptable household quantities” and “acceptable non-household waste”, as defined herein. All household waste is ACCEPTABLE WASTE unless it is otherwise regulated or prohibited by law.
AIR CONTAMINANT. The presence in the outdoor atmosphere of any dust, fume, mist, smoke, vapor, gas or other gaseous fluid, or particular substance, differing in composition from or exceeding in concentration the natural components of the atmosphere.
BACKYARD COMPOST SITE. A site used to compost food scraps, garden wastes, weeds, lawn cuttings, leaves, and pruning’s from a residential property, multi-unit dwelling, or a commercial office, by an owner, occupant, or lessee of the property.
BULK WASTE or BULKY WASTE. Furniture, large toys, bicycles, lawn mowers, lawn chairs, carpet and other solid waste with weights or volumes greater than those allowed for bags or carts. BULK WASTE does not include construction debris, hazardous waste or consumer electronics. (Examples: doors, windows, mattresses, etc.)
CART or CURBSIDE CART. Containers for MMSW or, recyclables equipped with wheels and a lid in the following standardized sizes (approximate capacities):
(1) Small: 35 gallon
(2) Medium: 64 gallon
(3) Large: 96 gallon
CITY. City of Scandia, Minnesota.
CITY COUNCIL. The elected government representatives for the city, consisting of the Mayor and Council Members.
COLLECTION. The aggregation and transportation of solid waste from the place at which it is generated and includes all activities up to the time when it is delivered to a processing facility.
COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT. Any premises upon which a commercial or industrial enterprise of any kind is carried on, including restaurants, clubs, and churches and, for purposes of solid waste licensing, multiple unit residential dwellings.
COMPOST. The product resulting from the controlled biological decomposition of organic material that has been sanitized through the generation of heat and stabilized to the point that it is beneficial to plant growth and can be used as a soil amendment without further processing.
CONSUMER ELECTRONICS. Any discarded device generated in a residential unit with a circuit board, including (but not limited to): televisions, computers, laptops, tablets, computer moniters, peripherals (e.g. keyboard, printer, mouse, etc.), cell phones, PDAs, DVD recorders/players and video cassette recorders/players, and fax machines.
CONTRACTOR. The city’s current solid waste and recycling contractor.
COUNTIES. The counties participating in the Regional Hauler Licensing Program and include: Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott and Washington counties.
COUNTY. Washington County.
COUNTY BOARD. The Washington County Board of Commissioners.
CURB or CURBSIDE. That portion of the right-of-way adjacent to paved or traveled roadways, including alleys.
DESIGNATED FACILITY. The Ramsey/Washington County Recycling and Energy Center (R and E Center), currently located at 100 Red Rock Road in Newport, MN 55055, to which acceptable waste is required to be delivered.
DISPOSAL FACILITY. A waste facility licensed by Washington County that is designed and operated for the purpose of disposing of waste on or in the land, together with any appurtenant facilities needed to process waste for disposal or transfer to another waste facility.
EXCESS HOUSEHOLD WASTE. Normal household waste that exceeds the capacity of the resident’s cart and is subject to a special fee for pick up.
FACILITY. All contiguous land, structures, monitoring devices, and other improvements on the land used for monitoring, treating, storing, or disposing of solid waste, leachate or residuals from solid waste processing.
FOOD SCRAPS. Discarded organized waste from unused food or food residue.
GENERATE. The act or process of producing waste, including the production or aggregation of waste occurring at intermediate, transfer, processing or disposal facilities.
GENERATOR. Any person who generates compostable, recyclable, or solid waste material(s).
HAULER. Any person, firm, corporation, association, partnership, or other entity that collects or transports MMSW that is generated in the counties. HAULER does not mean a person hauling his or her own residential household waste.
HAZARDOUS WASTE. Defined in state statute, state rules, and county ordinance. Wastes are hazardous in Minnesota when they display one or more of these characteristics: ignitability, corrosively, reactivity, toxicity, or lethality or are an oxidizer. These materials are not acceptable at curbside solid waste collection.
HOLIDAYS. Any of the following:
(1) New Year’s Day;
(2) Memorial Day;
(3) Independence Day;
(4) Labor Day;
(5) Thanksgiving Day; and
(6) Christmas Day.
INCINERATION. The process by which materials are burned for the purpose of volume and/or weight reduction in facilities designed for such use.
INFECTIOUS WASTE. Laboratory waste, blood, regulated body fluids, sharps, and research animal waste that have not been decontaminated.
LANDSPREADING/LAND APPLICATION. The placement of waste or waste by-products on or incorporated into the soil surface.
LANDSPREADING/LAND APPLICATION SITE. Any land used for the purpose of landspreading or the land application of waste or waste by-products.
LEACHATE. Liquid that has percolated through solid waste and has extracted, dissolved, or suspended materials from it.
LICENSEE. The landowner, owner, operator, or other person or persons given authority by Washington County to establish, operate, and maintain a solid waste management activity, disposal site or facility.
MAJOR APPLIANCES. Not limited to clothes washers and dryers, dishwashers, water heaters, heat pumps, furnaces, garbage disposal, trash compactors, conventional and microwave ovens, ranges and stoves, air conditioners, dehumidifies, refrigerators, and freezers.
MEDICAL WASTE. Includes infectious waste and waste originating from the diagnosis, care or treatment of a person or animal, or waste resulting from biological research, whether or not the waste has been decontaminated.
MIXED MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE (“MSW” OR “MMSW”). Defined in accordance with M.S. §§ 155A.01 - 115A.03, including garbage, refuse, rubbish, trash from residential and community activities that the generator of the waste aggregates for collection. MMSW does not include auto hulks, street sweepings, ash, construction debris, tree and agricultural wastes, tires, lead acid batteries, motor and vehicle fluids, filters, and hazardous waste and other materials collected, processed, and disposed of as separate waste streams. Also referred to in this chapter as “solid waste.”
MPCA. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
MULTIPLE UNIT RESIDENCE (MUR). Any building consisting of more than four units, each with individual kitchen facilities.
NORMAL HOUSEHOLD WASTE. Mixed municipal solid waste typically generated by residential households.
OPEN DUMP. A land disposal site at which solid waste is disposed of in a manner that does not protect the environment, is susceptible to open burning and is exposed to the elements, flies, rodents, and scavengers.
OPERATOR. Person or persons responsible for the operation of a solid waste faciltiy.
ORDINANCE. The City of Scandia Municipal Solid Waste and Recycling Ordinance.
PERSON. Any human being, any municipality or other governmental or political subdivision or other public agency, any public or private corporation, any partnership, firm, association, or other organization, any receiver, trustee, assignee, agent, or other legal representative of any of the foregoing, or any other legal entity and with respect to acts prohibited or required herein, shall include employees or licensees.
PROCESSING. The treatment of solid waste after collection, including all activities after the time the waste is delivered to a waste facility. PROCESSING includes but is not limited to disposal, storage, containment, separation, exchange, resource recovery, physical or chemical modification, and transfer from one waste facility to another. For the purpose of requirements for resource recovery certification, PROCESSING shall not include storage, exchange or transfer of waste.
PROCESSING CENTER or PROCESSING FACILITY. A facility in which solid waste and recyclable materials are processed. The facility will conform to all applicable rules, regulations, and laws of state, local or other jurisdictions.
PROHIBITED MATERIALS. Solid waste that is unacceptable for collection, processing, or disposal due to the physical or chemical nature of the material or due to a facility’s inability to properly manage the waste.
PROPERTY OWNER. A person who legally owns a residential property, multi-unit residence, or a commercial office.
R AND E BOARD. The Ramsey/Washington Recycling and Energy Board, a joint powers board comprised of the Ramsey and Washington counties.
RECYCLABLE MATERIALS. Materials that are separated from MMSW for the purpose of recycling, which materials will be identified by the city’s Solid Waste Contractor and list of recyclable material provided to customers and updated on a regular basis as marketplace changes for recyclables.
RECYCLING. The process of collecting and preparing recyclable materials for the purpose of reusing the materials in their original form or using them in manufacturing processes that do not cause the destruction of recyclable materials in a manner that precludes further use.
RECYCLING FACILITY. A facility where recyclable materials are received and prepared for reuse in their original form or for use in manufacturing processes that do not cause the destruction of the materials in a manner that precludes further use. The recyclable materials must:
(1) Fit the definition of MMSW prior to separation for recycling.
(2) Not include items that have been prohibited by state law from disposal or placement in MMSW, unless approved by the agency;
(3) Have been separated from other MMSW by the generator prior to collection; and
(4) Not be hazardous as defined in Minn. Rules Ch. 7045, as amended, except for household hazardous waste. Recyclable materials that are defined as household hazardous waste in part Minn. Rules pt. 7045.0131, subpart 1, and M.S. § 115A.96 subds. 1(a) and 1(b), as amended, may be accepted at the facility for recycling if they are managed in accordance with Minn. Rules part 7045.0310.
REGIONAL HAULER LICENSING BOARD. The joint powers board established by agreement of the counties for the coordination of solid waste management issues in the metropolitan area.
REGIONAL HAULER LICENSING PROGRAM. The hauler licensing program established by joint powers agreement, among Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott and Washington Counties.
RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT (RDU). Single dwellings and up to four multi-unit residences including residential manufactured homes and businesses operating out of a residence.
RESOURCE RECOVERY. The reclamation for sale, use, or reuse of materials, substances, energy or other products contained within or derived from waste.
RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY. A waste and recycling facility contracted by and/or operated by the Ramsey/Washington Recycling and Energy Board (R and E Board) in which solid wastes are processed.
ROLL-OFF CONTAINER, ROLL-OFF CONTAINER SERVICE. An open top dumpster characterized by a rectangular footprint, utilizing wheels to facilitate rolling the dumpster in place. The container is designed to be transported by special roll-off trucks. Roll-offs are commonly used to contain loads of construction and demolition waste or other waste types.
SALVAGING. The controlled and authorized removal of waste materials from a licensed solid waste facility.
SCAVENGING. The removal of waste materials from a licensed solid waste facility, which has not been authorized by the city.
SELF-HAULER. Anyone who transports their own waste, or another person’s, to a waste management facility and isn’t paid for doing so.
SENIOR or ADJUSTED ACCOUNTS. Units where not more than two people reside within a household and where the head of household is 62 years of age or older or has a temporary disability reasonably projected to last greater than 30 days or permanent disability, regardless of age. In order to qualify for this program, the resident must be physically unable to wheel their cart to the curb for collection and have no other person who can assist them, such as a spouse or other live-in family member or a personal assistant. Place the carts within a reasonable distance of approximately 75 feet from the edge of the roadway.
SHRUB. A perennial woody plant of relatively low stature, typically with several stems arising from or near the ground and less than four inches in diameter.
SITE. The spatial location of a proposed or actual solid waste management activity or facility.
SLUDGE. Any solid, semisolid, or liquid waste generated from a municipal, commercial, or industrial wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air contaminant treatment facility, or any waste having similar characteristics and effects.
SOLID WASTE. The meaning set forth in M.S. § 116.06, as amended, and includes MMSW.
SOLID WASTE COLLECTION. The gathering of solid waste from public or private places.
SOLID WASTE FACILITY. All property, real or personal, including easements and water and air rights, which is or may be used for the processing or disposal of solid waste. A license is required under the provisions of this chapter for all solid waste facilities, except property used for the collection of the solid waste at the generation site and property used primarily for the manufacture of scrap metal or paper. A SOLID WASTE FACILITY includes but is not limited to transfer stations, solid waste facilities related to processing, and disposal facilities.
SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT. Activities that are intended to affect or control the generation of solid waste and activities that provide for or control the collection, processing, and disposal of waste.
SOURCE SEPARATION. The separation of recyclable materials from waste by the generator prior to collection for recycling.
TREE. A perennial woody plant, generally with a single stem (trunk) greater than four inches in diameter.
UNACCEPTABLE WASTE. Solid waste that is not acceptable at the designated facility. UNACCEPTABLE WASTE shall include waste that would likely pose a threat to health or safety, or that may cause damage to, or materially adversely affect the operation of the designated facility including but not limited to: explosives; medical waste; commercial, industrial and community hazardous waste, as regulated by federal, state and local law; chemicals and radioactive materials; oil sludges, asbestos in identifiable quantities; cesspool, domestic sewage or other sewage sludge; human or animal remains; street sweepings; ash; mining waste; sludges; demolition waste; construction debris; waste in liquid state; hazardous refuse of any kind, such as cleaning fluids, used crank case oils, cutting oils, paints, acids, caustics, poisons, drugs; and any other materials that the designated facility identifies; or that MPCA or any other governmental unit having appropriate jurisdiction shall determine, is harmful or of a toxic or dangerous nature.
WASTE FACILITY. All property, real or personal, including negative and positive easements and water and air rights, that is or may be needed or useful for the processing or disposal of waste, except property for the collection of the waste and property used primarily for the manufacture of scrap metal or paper. WASTE FACILITY includes but is not limited to a transfer station, processing facility, and disposal facility.
YARD WASTE. Garden wastes, twigs and miscellaneous tree seeds and cones, leaves, lawn cuttings, weeds, shrub and brush waste.
(Ord. 2023-15, passed 12-19-2023)
(A) Subject to the requirements set forth by City Code, all solid waste, MMSW, or recycling materials (hereinafter collectively referred to as “solid waste”) accumulated in or at residential dwelling units in the city shall be collected, conveyed and disposed of by the city, by its duly authorized contractor, a county licensed hauler, or self-haulers. The city shall have the right and duty to administer this chapter.
(B) Commercial establishments and/or properties, excluding multi-unit residences, that generate less than 60 gallons of trash per week may self-haul. Multi-unit residence properties shall provide hauling services through a county license hauler.
(C) It shall be unlawful for any person to collect solid waste from any person for a fee or other charge or under contract within the city without having first secured a license from the county. This chapter requires that appropriate licenses be obtained from Washington County for the establishment and operation of solid waste management activities and facilities. The city shall have the right and duty to approve and consider all license applications submitted to the county for operation of all solid waste management activities, sites, or facilities, and hauling services within the city.
(Ord. 2023-15, passed 12-19-2023)