Where the structure, driveway, curb, sidewalk or gutter is to be constructed of concrete, the applicant shall be a person licensed by the State of California to perform the work described in the application, and must perform the work or the work must be performed under the contractor's immediate supervision.
(Amended by Ord. No. 6453 (N.S.), effective 11-11-82)
If, in the opinion of the Director, the construction of any length of curb or sidewalk less than the full length of a street between street intersections would create a condition hazardous to the traveling public using the street upon which it is proposed to install the curb or sidewalk, the Director may refuse to issue a permit for the construction of curb or sidewalk for any length less than the full length of said street between intersecting streets.
(Amended by Ord. No. 6453 (N.S.), effective 11-11-82; amended by Ord. No. 10646 (N.S.), effective 2-14-20)
Every person applying for a permit required by this chapter shall at the time of making application for the permit pay an issuance fee. The amount of said fee shall be prescribed by the Board of Supervisors.
(Amended by Ord. No. 5971 (N.S.), effective 2-12-81; amended by Ord. No. 7986 (N.S.), effective 11-7-91; amended by Ord. No. 9290 (N.S.), effective 2-11-01; amended by Ord. No. 9969 (N.S.), effective 4-11-09)
An applicant for a permit to construct any work shall, in addition to the issuance fee, pay or make a deposit for engineering review and inspection services as follows:
(a) An amount estimated by the Director to be equal to twice the actual cost of all necessary engineering review and inspection services.
(b) An applicant for a permit to construct a driveway with surfacing other than dirt, gravel or decomposed rock, shall, in addition to the issuance fee, pay an engineering and/or inspection deposit. The amount of said deposit shall be determined by resolution no less than annually by the Board of Supervisors.
(Amended by Ord. No. 2325 (N.S.), effective 3-15-62; amended by Ord. No. 6453 (N.S.), effective 11-11-82; amended by Ord. No. 7986 (N.S.), effective 11-7-91; amended by Ord. No. 9750 (N.S.), effective 3-12-06; amended by Ord. No. 10646 (N.S.), effective 2-14-20)
(a) Where the deposit has been made under Subsection (a) and (b) of Section 71.408, the Director shall deduct from the deposit the amount of the issuance fee and the actual cost to the County of the required engineering and inspection. If such cost and fee is less than the deposit, the difference shall be refunded to the person making the deposit in the same manner as provided by law for the repayment of trust moneys.
(b) If the cost, plus the issuance fee, exceeds the deposit, the permittee shall pay the excess to the County. If it is not paid within 15 days, the County may recover such sum in any court of competent jurisdiction. Until such amount is paid, further permits shall not be issued to such permittee.
(Amended by Ord. No. 2325 (N.S.), effective 3-15-62; amended by Ord. No. 6453 (N.S.), effective 11-11-82; amended by Ord. No. 10646 (N.S.), effective 2-14-20)
If so required by the Director the permittee shall make proper arrangements for, and bear the cost of relocating any structure, public utility, tree or shrub, where such relocation is made necessary by the proposed work for which a permit is issued. The Director may elect to do the necessary relocation. In such case the permittee shall deposit with the Director a sum of money estimated to be sufficient to pay the cost thereof. After such relocation, a refund shall be paid to, or a deficiency shall be paid by, the permittee as provided in Section 71.409.
(Amended by Ord. No. 6453 (N.S.), effective 11-11-82; amended by Ord. No. 10646 (N.S.), effective 2-14-20)