The city shall cause billings for wastewater treatment charges, and/or water, to be rendered periodically at rates established as set out in section 17.72.030, "Schedule 1; Rates And Fees", of this title, as amended, or its successors. (Ord. 36-93 § 10, 1993: prior code § 37-6-3(2))
The POTW shall receive and collect the sewer fees and charges levied under the provisions of this chapter. In the event of partial payment, the POTW may apply said payment to any sums due for water and/or sewer fees or charges. (Ord. 36-93 § 10, 1993: prior code § 37-6-3(4))
Fees and charges levied in accordance with this chapter shall be a debt due to the POTW. If this debt is not paid within thirty (30) days after billing, it shall, at the POTW's option, be deemed delinquent and subject to penalties, and may be recovered by civil action, and the POTW shall have the right to terminate sewer and/or water service and enter upon private property for accomplishing such purposes. (Ord. 36-93 § 10, 1993: prior code § 37-6-3(3))
To the extent authorized by Utah law, the POTW may, in addition to any and all other remedies provided herein, impose a tax lien on the premises being served, to recover all delinquent fees and charges. (Ord. 72-98 § 14, 1998: Ord. 36-93 § 10, 1993: prior code § 37-6-3(5))