17.60.010: User Requiring Pumping To Discharge To POTW
17.60.020: Payment For Pumping Station Prerequisite To Approval
17.60.030: Pumping Stations Areas; Surveys And Establishment
17.60.040: Design And Construction Requirements
17.60.050: Costs Of Construction; Computing And Allocation
17.60.060: Costs Of Construction; Payment Methods
17.60.070: Pumping Stations Are Property Of POTW
Whenever any user makes application for any permits, approvals, subdivision, zoning or any other actions relating to property situated in areas either within or outside of the POTW which, when connected to the POTW's sewer collection or disposal system, will require the sewage to be pumped into the POTW system, the user thereof shall be required to pay the POTW all of the costs of the installation and maintenance of the required pumping station in the manner and in the amounts hereinafter provided in this chapter. (Ord. 36-93 § 9, 1993: prior code § 37-8-1)
Notwithstanding the provisions of any other ordinance or regulation of the POTW now or hereafter enacted, the officers and personnel of the POTW dealing with the applications referred to in section 17.60.010 of this chapter, or its successor, are directed and authorized to withhold granting of the requested applications pending payment or entry by the applicant into an agreement whereby payments will be made to the POTW in reimbursement for the costs of such pumping stations. The officers and employees of the POTW are directed and authorized to refuse to furnish sewer services to the users until the agreements are fully consummated and there has been reimbursement and payment for all services and fees due and owing thereunder. (Ord. 36-93 § 9, 1993: prior code § 37-8-2)
A. The POTW is authorized to cause surveys or engineering studies to be made for the purpose of determining those areas either within or without the POTW which would require the installation and operation of pumping stations. The pumping station areas may include areas outside of the POTW limits which might, by annexation, become a part of the POTW or which might require sewer services from the POTW for the purpose of preserving the health and welfare of residents adjacent to said areas.
B. Based upon such studies, the POTW shall establish the pumping station areas and designate their confines in such manner as to enable landowners or users to determine whether or not they fall within the areas requiring sewage pumping stations. (Ord. 36-93 § 9, 1993: prior code § 37-8-3)