17.64.010: Payment Responsibility; Basis And Purpose Of Charges
17.64.020: Fees And Charges; Schedule 1
17.64.030: Classification Of Users
17.64.040: Authority To Adopt Fees
17.64.050: Annual Review Of Each User's Service Charge (Rep. by Ord. 72-98 § 12, 1998)
17.64.060: Annual Notification Of Rates And Charges
17.64.070: Combination Billings
17.64.080: Charges For Discontinuing Or Restoring Services
17.64.090: Toxic Pollutants Or Damage To Facilities; Payment Of Costs
17.64.100: Responsibility For Charges
17.64.110: Billing Procedures And Rates
17.64.120: Collection Of Costs; Partial Payments
17.64.130: Delinquent Payments; Recovery By Civil Action; Service Termination
17.64.140: Delinquent Payments; Tax Lien Authority
17.64.150: Restoration Of Service; Conditions
A. Each user shall pay all fees and charges required by the POTW. Appropriate surcharges will be imposed. It is the purpose of this chapter to provide for the payment of all POTW costs, maintenance and operation from the users. The total annual cost of equipment replacement, maintenance, necessary modifications, power, sampling, laboratory tests, and a reasonable contingency fund. The charges will be based upon the quality and quantity of user's wastewater, and also upon the POTW's capital and operating costs to intercept, treat and dispose of wastewater.
B. The applicable charges shall be set forth in a schedule of rates for the POTW. The schedule of rates and charges shall be adjusted from time to time by the POTW, which shall be prior approved by the city public utilities advisory board and council to equitably apportion such costs among the users of the POTW. (Ord. 36-93 § 10, 1993: prior code § 37-6-1)