A. The costs of construction for pumping stations shall include costs of land acquisition, easements, legal services, direct labor and materials, costs of direct supervision and engineering services, plus an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of all of the foregoing costs for administrative services by the POTW.
B. The costs of construction shall be allocated among the landowners and/or users of the sewage pumping service area in the same proportion that the total of each landowner's area bears to the total area of land situated within the pumping service area.
C. The foregoing method of allocation of costs may be varied by action of the POTW when, in its judgment, it finds that unusual topography or other physical circumstances or the contemplated use or uses require a different method of allocating costs. If the pumping station is constructed prior to the filing of an application by a landowner or user, the costs of construction will be the actual costs expended as above described.
D. If the pumping station has been constructed at the time the application is filed, then costs shall be the costs estimated by the director or which may be computed based upon contracts let to contractors or subcontractors to perform the construction. The estimated costs shall be used as the basis for establishing the amount of any payments required in advance until such time as construction is completed and actual costs are determined, at which time the costs shall be recomputed and allocated based upon the actual costs.
E. Costs of operation and maintenance, as determined by the director, may be allocated among the users of the sewage pumping service area. (Ord. 36-93 § 9, 1993: prior code § 37-8-5)
At the time an application is made to the POTW, the POTW shall require the applicant to enter into an agreement with the POTW whereby the applicant will pay his/her share of the sewage pumping station construction costs at such time or times fixed by the POTW. The agreement may require the applicant user to pay a lump sum in cash, contribution of the facility or other option as may be determined will best fit the needs of the POTW. The agreement shall provide, in the event the applicant user fails to make the payments, as provided, the POTW may refuse to provide services until such time as payment has been made. (Ord. 36-93 § 9, 1993: prior code § 37-8-6)
Regardless of the manner in which construction of the sewer pumping station has been achieved, whether by direct action upon the part of the POTW or by action of any applicant, the pumping station shall be deemed the property of the POTW. All maintenance after acceptance shall be performed by the POTW or its designee. (Ord. 36-93 § 9, 1993: prior code § 37-8-7)