As used in this chapter:
BID PACKAGE: All documents, whether attached or incorporated by reference, used for soliciting sealed bids, such as a notice, bid form, form contract, specifications and similar documents.
BID, PROPOSAL OR OFFER: An offer to perform.
BIDDER: A person who submits a bid.
CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER: The city employee designated pursuant to subsection 3.24.040A of this chapter, or any successor to that subsection.
CITY ENGINEER: The city employee designated pursuant to section 2.08.080 of this code, or any successor to that subsection.
CONSTRUCTION: The process of building, renovating, altering, improving or repairing any city building or public work, but does not include the routine operation or maintenance, or minor repair of, existing city property.
CONSTRUCTION RELATED SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: All supplies and services put to use in the process of construction, including professional services related to construction.
DIVISION: Any division of a city department, or any other agency or subdivision of the city.
OFFEROR: A person who submits a proposal, a response to a request for qualifications, a quote, a bid, or any other offer or submission.
OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: All supplies and services put to use in connection with managing and operating the city, including professional services. Operational supplies and services does not include construction related supplies and services.
PERSON: Any individual, group of individuals, entity, group of entities, business, agency, club, committee, union or other organization or organizations, not including the city or any of its employees, officers, departments or divisions.
PROCUREMENT: Buying, purchasing, renting, leasing, leasing with an option to purchase, or otherwise acquiring any supplies or services, and all related acquisition processes.
PROCUREMENT OFFICIAL: The chief procurement officer or city engineer, or a city employee who is authorized to act in the capacity of a procurement official as specifically delegated in the procurement rules.
PROCUREMENT RULES: The administrative rules, policies, executive orders or other rules adopted by the mayor in accordance with subsection 3.24.040A2 of this chapter, or any successor to that subsection.
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: Those services that are provided by a person skilled in the practice of a learned or technical discipline. Providers of professional services often require prolonged and specialized intellectual training and profess attainments in special knowledge as distinguished from mere skills. Disciplines may include, without limitation, accounting, auditing, architecture, court reporting, engineering, experts in a specialized field, finance, law, materials testing, medicine, planning, surveying, and others.
PROPOSAL PACKAGE: All documents, whether attached or incorporated by reference, used for soliciting a proposal, response to a request for qualifications, or other proposal or offer to perform city work, and may include such documents as a notice, scope of work, form contract or other documents.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Soliciting to receive sealed proposals.
REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS: Soliciting to receive statements describing the qualifications of potential bidders or offerors.
RESPONSIBLE BIDDER OR RESPONSIBLE OFFEROR: A person who has the capability in all respects to fully perform the contract requirements, and who has the integrity, capacity and reliability which will assure good faith performance.
RESPONSIVE BIDDER OR RESPONSIVE OFFEROR: A person who has submitted a bid or offer that conforms in all material respects to the bid package, proposal package, or other request.
SERVICES: The furnishing of labor, time, or effort by any person, and includes professional services.
SUPPLIES: All property, including equipment, materials and printing, but excludes land or a permanent interest in land. (Ord. 31-21, 2021: Ord. 64-97 § 2, 1997)
A. The mayor shall designate a chief procurement officer, who shall be a person with demonstrated ability in public or comparable private procurement, and who shall serve as the city's officer for the purchase of operational supplies and services except as assigned in this code to other departments or divisions. The chief procurement officer shall have the authority to review all actions taken by the city with respect to the procurement of operational supplies and services, and to determine appropriate procurement actions. In addition, the chief procurement officer shall have the following duties:
1. Procure or supervise the procurement of all operational supplies and services needed by the city or any of its departments or divisions in accordance with this chapter; and
2. Propose rules for adoption by the mayor to govern the management and operation of the city's purchasing function for all kinds of supplies and services, except that rules relating to construction related supplies and services shall be proposed by the city engineer, and shall be approved by both the city engineer and the chief procurement officer prior to adoption by the mayor.
B. The city engineer is the city's officer for the purchase of construction related supplies and services except as assigned in this code to other departments or divisions. The city engineer shall have the authority to review all actions taken by the city with respect to the procurement of construction related supplies and services, and to determine appropriate procurement actions. In addition, the city engineer shall have the following duties under this chapter:
1. Procure or supervise the procurement of construction related supplies and services needed by the city or any of its departments or divisions in accordance with this chapter; and
2. Propose rules relating to the management and operation of the city's purchasing function for construction related supplies and services, which shall be approved by both the city engineer and the chief procurement officer prior to adoption by the mayor. (Ord. 64-97 § 2, 1997)
With the approval of the mayor, the chief procurement officer and the city engineer, in their respective areas of authority, may each delegate in writing any authority granted under this chapter to designees, or to any department or division, as each shall deem prudent and appropriate. They may also make delegations of authority in case of emergency, absence or incapacity as each shall deem prudent and appropriate. (Ord. 64-97 § 2, 1997)
A. City procurement shall provide for the interest of the city, and shall be consistent with fair and equitable practices.
B. No contract or purchase shall be subdivided to avoid the requirements of this chapter.
C. The procurement rules may prescribe additional requirements consistent with the requirements of this chapter for bidding, proposals, and other procurement matters. (Ord. 64-97 § 2, 1997)
The city may take any action with respect to procurement that is in the best interest of the city, including the following:
A. Reject any bid, proposal or other offer or submission from a bidder or offeror who is in a position that is adverse to the city in a present, pending or threatened litigation, administrative proceeding, dispute resolution process or similar process relating to a city procurement or contract, or relating to any other matter relevant to the procurement.
B. Reject any bid, proposal or other offer or submission where the same is determined to be nonresponsive, or where the bidder or offeror is determined to be nonresponsible under criteria established in the procurement rules. The city may also notify any person of potential nonresponsibility, and may reject the bid, or other offer or submission of any person so notified unless that person demonstrates to the city's satisfaction that the concerns indicated in the city's notice have been resolved.
C. Reject all bids, proposals or other offers or submissions, or reject parts of all bids, proposals or other offers or submissions, when the city's interest will be served thereby.
D. Waive or modify requirements within a particular bid process, proposal or other solicitation process when advantageous to the city, and when consistent with mandatory applicable legal requirements and fair and equitable practices.
E. Impose reasonable fees or forfeitable deposits for providing city materials or services in connection with a procurement process.
F. Employ all solicitation means appropriate to effectively procure supplies and services so long as such means are not in conflict with the requirements of this chapter. Such means may include requiring prequalifications, maintaining lists of bidders or offerors; soliciting in phases, steps or stages; multiple awards; multistep sealed bidding; notice or solicitation by phone, fax, mail or computer system; requiring demonstrations of competence; creating special processes to meet the needs of a particular procurement; and other means. (Ord. 64-97 § 2, 1997)
A. The city or any of its departments or divisions may prepare, file or amend specifications, requisitions or quantity estimates for supplies and services in the manner prescribed in the procurement rules.
B. A procurement official shall have authority to revise specifications, requisitions or estimates as to quantity, quality or estimated cost.
C. All specifications shall seek to promote overall economy and best use for the purposes intended and encourage appropriate competition in satisfying the city's needs. (Ord. 64-97 § 2, 1997)
A. Contracts shall be awarded by competitive sealed bidding except as otherwise permitted or provided by this chapter.
B. The city may prequalify bidders using a request for qualifications or other process. Notice of such process shall be made public, and such process shall be conducted, in a manner permitted by the procurement rules. The city, in its sole discretion, shall determine which applicants are best qualified to submit a bid.
C. Competitive sealed bidding shall, at a minimum, include the following:
1. Notice of a call or bids shall be made public in a manner permitted by the procurement rules at a reasonable time prior to the time set for bid opening. The bid package will state requirements to which the bidder must respond.
2. No bids delivered to the city after the time established in the notice shall be considered. Timely sealed bids shall be opened publicly in a manner permitted by the procurement rules at the time and place for bid opening established in the notice, and a record of each bid shall be retained.
3. Bids shall be evaluated based on the requirements set forth in the city's invitation, and as provided in this chapter.
4. Bids shall be accepted without alteration or condition except as permitted by the procurement rules. However, no alteration prejudicial to the interest of the city shall be permitted.
5. Any award shall be made in writing to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder whose bid meets or exceeds the requirements of the city's bid package, and meets the requirements of this chapter. (Ord. 64-97 § 2, 1997)