A.   Contracts shall be awarded by competitive sealed bidding except as otherwise permitted or provided by this chapter.
   B.   The city may prequalify bidders using a request for qualifications or other process. Notice of such process shall be made public, and such process shall be conducted, in a manner permitted by the procurement rules. The city, in its sole discretion, shall determine which applicants are best qualified to submit a bid.
   C.   Competitive sealed bidding shall, at a minimum, include the following:
      1.   Notice of a call or bids shall be made public in a manner permitted by the procurement rules at a reasonable time prior to the time set for bid opening. The bid package will state requirements to which the bidder must respond.
      2.   No bids delivered to the city after the time established in the notice shall be considered. Timely sealed bids shall be opened publicly in a manner permitted by the procurement rules at the time and place for bid opening established in the notice, and a record of each bid shall be retained.
      3.   Bids shall be evaluated based on the requirements set forth in the city's invitation, and as provided in this chapter.
      4.   Bids shall be accepted without alteration or condition except as permitted by the procurement rules. However, no alteration prejudicial to the interest of the city shall be permitted.
      5.   Any award shall be made in writing to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder whose bid meets or exceeds the requirements of the city's bid package, and meets the requirements of this chapter. (Ord. 64-97 § 2, 1997)