A.   Purpose: the purpose of the MU-8 Form Based Mixed Use 8 zoning subdistrict is to implement the city's general plan in areas that identify mid rise buildings, generally eight stories or less in height, that contain a mix of land uses that support people who choose to live in or near the subdistrict.
   B.   Building form standards for each allowed building form and other associated regulations for the MU-8 subdistrict are listed in the below tables of this section.
      1.   Row House Building Form Standards:
         a.   Prohibitions: This use is prohibited on the following streets:
         (1)   1300 South.
         (2)   West Temple.
         (3)   Main Street.
TABLE 21A.25.060.B.1
Building Regulation
Regulation for Building Form:
Row House
Building Regulation
Regulation for Building Form:
Row House
Maximum of 40'. All heights measured from established grade.
Rooftop decks and associated railing/parapet are allowed on any roof, including roofs at the maximum allowed height.
Front and Corner Side Yard Setback
Minimum 10'. Maximum 20', unless a greater setback is required due to existing utility easements in which case the maximum setback shall be at the edge of the easement.
May be modified through Design Review (Chapter 21A.59 ).
Interior Side Yard
Minimum of 5' between row house building form and side property line, except when an interior side yard is abutting a zoning district that has a maximum permitted building height of 30' or less, then the minimum shall be 10'. For the purpose of this regulation, an alley that is a minimum of 10' in width that separates a subject property from a different zoning district shall not be considered abutting. No setback required for common walls.
Rear Yard
Minimum of 20'
Uses Per Story
Residential on all stories; live/work units permitted on ground level.
Entry Feature
Each dwelling unit must include an allowed entry feature. See Subsection 21A.37.050 .P for allowed entry features. Dwelling units abutting a street must include an entry feature on street facing façade. Pedestrian connections, as per Subsection 21A.37.050 .P with minimum 5' width are required for each required entry feature.
Upper Level Stepback
When abutting a lot in a zoning district with a maximum building height of 30' or less, the first full floor of the building above 30' shall step back 10' from the building façade at finished grade along any side and rear yard that is abutting the lot in the applicable zoning district. This regulation does not apply when a lot in a different zoning district is separated from the subject parcel by a street or alley.
Open Space Area
Each dwelling unit shall include a minimum open space area that is equal to at least 25% of the footprint of the individual unit, subject to all other open space area requirements of Subsection 21A.25.060 .C "Open Space Area." A minimum of 20% of the required open space area shall include vegetation.
Building Forms Per Lot
Multiple buildings may be built on a single lot provided all of the buildings have frontage on a street. All buildings shall comply with all applicable standards.
Side/Interior Orientation
Dwelling units not located directly abutting a street are permitted, provided the design standards for glass are complied with on the façade with the required entry feature.
Lots for individual row house dwelling units without public street frontage are allowed subject to recording a final subdivision plat that:
1. Documents that new lots have adequate access to a public street by way of easements or a shared driveway; and
2. Includes a disclosure of private infrastructure costs for any shared infrastructure associated with the new lot(s) per Section 21A.55.110 of this title.
Midblock Walkway
If a midblock walkway is shown in an adopted city plan on the subject property, a midblock walkway shall be provided. The midblock walkway must be a minimum of 10' wide and include a minimum 6' wide unobstructed path.
Design Standards
See Chapter 21A.37 for other applicable building configuration and design standards.
      2.   Multi-Family Residential, Storefront, and Vertical Mixed-Use Building Form Standards:
         a.   Ground floor residential uses are prohibited on the following streets:
         (1)   1300 South.
         (2)   West Temple.
         (3)   Main Street.
TABLE 21A.25.060.B.2
Building Regulation
Regulation for Building Forms:
Multi-family Residential/Storefront/Vertical Mixed Use
Building Regulation
Regulation for Building Forms:
Multi-family Residential/Storefront/Vertical Mixed Use
Maximum height of 90'. All heights measured from established grade.
Buildings in excess of 50' require design review in accordance with Chapter 21A.59 .
Rooftop decks and associated railing/parapet are allowed on any roof, including roofs at the maximum allowed height.
Ground Floor Height
Minimum ground floor height 14'. This requirement shall precede the ground floor height requirements established in Subsection 21A.37.050 .A.1.
Front and Corner Side Yard Setback
Minimum: 10'. Maximum 20' but may be increased if the additional setback is used for plazas, courtyards, or outdoor dining areas unless a greater setback is required due to existing utility easements in which case the maximum setback shall be at the edge of the easement. May be modified through Design Review process (Chapter 21A.59 ).
Required Build-To
Minimum of 50% of street facing facade shall be built within 10' of the front or corner side property line. May be modified through Design Review process (Chapter 21A.59 ).
Interior Side Yard
No minimum required, except when an interior side yard is abutting a zoning district that has a maximum permitted building height of 45' or less, then the minimum shall be 10'. For the purpose of this regulation, an alley that is a minimum of 10' in width that separates a subject property from a different zoning district shall not be considered abutting.
Rear Yard
No minimum required, except when a rear yard is abutting a zoning district with a maximum permitted building height of 45' or less, then the minimum is 20'. For the purpose of this regulation, an alley that is a minimum of 10' in width that separates a subject property from a different zoning district shall not be considered abutting.
Ground Floor Use
The required ground floor use space facing the street shall be limited to the following uses: retail goods establishments, retail service establishments, public service portions of businesses, restaurants, taverns/brewpubs, bar establishments, art galleries, theaters, or performing art facilities. This applies to all streets with a right of way that is wider than 66'. May be modified through Design Review process (Chapter 21A.59 ).
Ground Floor Dwelling Entrances
Ground floor dwelling units abutting a street must have an allowed entry feature. See Subsection 21A.37.050 .P for allowed entry features. Pedestrian connections, as per Subsection 21A.37.050 .P are required to each required entry feature.
Upper Level Stepback
When abutting a lot in a zoning district with a maximum building height of 30' or less, the first full floor of the building above 30' shall step back 10' from the building facade at finished grade along the side or rear yard that is abutting the lot in the applicable zoning district. This regulation does not apply when a lot in a different zoning district is separated from the subject parcel by a street or alley.
Midblock Walkway
If a midblock walkway is shown in an adopted city plan on the subject property, a midblock walkway shall be provided. The midblock walkway must be a minimum of 10' wide and include a minimum 6' wide unobstructed path.
Building Forms Per Lot
Multiple buildings may be built on a single lot provided all of the buildings have frontage on a street. All buildings shall comply with all applicable standards.
Open Space Area
A minimum of 20% of the lot area shall be open space area subject to all other open space area requirements of Subsection 21A.25.060 .C "Open Space Area." A minimum of 20% of the required open space area shall include vegetation.
Design Standards
See Chapter 21A.37 for other applicable building configuration and design standards.
   C.   Open Space Area Requirements: When the building forms allowed in this subdistrict require an open space area, the open space area shall comply with the following standards:
      1.   Open Space Area: Open space area may include landscaped yards, patio, dining areas, common balconies, rooftop gardens, and other similar outdoor living spaces. Private balconies shall not be counted toward the minimum open space area requirement. Required parking lot landscaping or perimeter parking lot landscaping shall also not count toward the minimum open space area requirement.
      2.   At least one open space area shall include a minimum dimension of at least fifteen feet (15') by fifteen feet (15').
      3.   Trees shall be included at a rate where the mature spread of the tree will cover at least fifty percent (50%) of the open space area.
      4.   Open space areas that are greater than five hundred (500) square feet must contain at least one useable element, accessible to all building occupants, from the following list.
         a.   A bench for every two hundred fifty (250) square feet of open space area;
         b.   A table for outdoor eating for every five hundred (500) square feet of open space area;
         c.   An outdoor amenity. This is defined as an amenity that intends to provide outdoor recreation and leisure opportunities including, but not limited to, walking paths, playgrounds, seating areas, gardens, sport court or similar amenity intended to promote outdoor activity; and/or
         d.   Landscaping that equals at least thirty three percent (33%) of the landscaped area.
   D.   Parking Regulations: Specific parking standards applicable to this subdistrict are listed below in Table 21A.25.060.D of this section. These are in addition to any other applicable parking standards in Chapter 21A.44.
TABLE 21A.25.060.D
Parking Regulation
Applicability: Applies to all properties in the zone
Surface Parking Location
Surface parking shall be located behind or to the side of a principal building provided:
   1. The parking is set back a minimum of 25' from the front or corner side property line; and
   2. The setback area shall be considered a landscaped yard and comply with the landscape yard planting requirements in Chapter 21A.46 and include:
      a. Trees with a minimum mature spread of 20' planted at one tree for every 20' of street frontage; and
      b. A 3' tall solid wall or fence at the property line along the street. A hedge or other similar landscaped screen may be used in place of a wall or fence provided the plants are spaced no further than 18 inches on center across the entire frontage
Garage Entrances
Street facing parking garage entrance doors shall have a minimum 20' setback from the front property line and shall not exceed 50% of the first floor building width. One-way garage entry may not exceed 14' in width; multiway garage entry may not exceed 26' in width. Driveways for row house building forms must be located along an alley or accessed at the rear of the building.
Loading and Service Areas
Allowed behind or to the side of a principal building only. All service areas shall be screened or located within the building.
Existing Buildings
The reuse of existing buildings is exempt from the requirements of this table unless new parking area(s) are being added. New parking areas are subject to compliance with this subsection.
   E.   Streetscape Regulations: Specific streetscape regulations applicable to the MU-8 subdistrict are listed below in Table 21A.25.060.E of this section. These regulations are in addition to any other applicable streetscape standards in Title 21A.
TABLE 21A.25.060.E
Streetscape Regulation
Applicability: Applies to all properties in the zone
Street Trees
Street trees are required and shall be provided as per Subsection 21A.48.060 .D.
Sidewalk Width
Sidewalks shall have a minimum width of 10'. Additional sidewalk width shall be installed by the developer so there is a minimum sidewalk width of 10'. This applies to new buildings and to additions that increase the gross building square footage by more than 50%. This standard does not require removal of existing street trees, buildings, or portions thereof. For purposes of this section, sidewalk width is measured from the back of the park strip or required street tree if no park strip is provided, toward the abutting property line.
Street Lights
Street lights are required and shall be installed in compliance with the city's Street Lighting Master Plan and Policy or its successor.
   F.   Uses Not Associated with Building Form: Allowed uses that do not involve construction of a building, such as parks and open space, are not required to comply with any specific building form regulation.
   G.   Additional Regulations: The following regulations apply to properties located in this subdistrict.
      1.   21A.33 Land Use Tables.
      2.   21A.36 General Provisions.
      3.   21A.37 Design Standards.
      4.   21A.38 Nonconforming Uses and Noncomplying Structures.
      5.   21A.40 Accessory Uses, Buildings, and Structures.
      6.   21A.42 Temporary Uses.
      7.   21A.44 Off Street Parking, Mobility, and Loading.
      8.   21A.46 Signs.
      9.   21A.48 Landscaping and Buffers. (Ord. 37-24, 2024)