A. Devices Defined: For the purposes of this article, noninventoried personal computing devices are defined as cell phones, smart phones, personal digital assistants, tablet devices and notebook computers with an original cost below the fixed asset threshold.
B. Value: The City must receive fair market value for any devices sold under this article. The City shall use a straight line depreciation method as described by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and accepted by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to determine the value of the device. The amount for which the device will be sold will be calculated as defined in the associated procedure.
C. Time Limit To Request: Persons separating from City employment may request to purchase noninventoried personal computing devices assigned to them. The request must be made within four (4) weeks of their separation date.
D. Approval Of Department Director: In all cases, the Department Director's approval must be obtained before the device will be sold. (2019 Compilation)
A. Backed Up: All data retained on the device that has been used in the conduct of City business shall be backed up and a copy retained on City servers. This includes e-mail, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, images, recordings, and all other types of digital information used in the course of conducting the City's business.
B. Removal Of Sensitive Data: Sensitive data must be removed from the device. This includes, but is not limited to, personal information about employees, Human Resources information, information about police investigations, Fire Department patient information, and any other information considered sensitive by the Department Director. (2019 Compilation)
52-14B-1: Purpose
52-14B-2: Scope
52-14B-3: Devices Covered
52-14B-4: Useful Life Of Devices
52-14B-5: Methodology For Determining Sale Price
52-14B-6: Transfer Of Financial Responsibility
52-14B-7: City Owned Software
52-14B-8: Proprietary Or Sensitive Data
The City recognizes that employees leaving the City (hereafter "separated employees") may want to keep noninventoried personal computing devices assigned to them after they leave City employment. These are typically configured specifically for the separated employee and the devices typically require additional steps to ready the device for redeployment. This may require only a few seconds' work or may require a greater effort. Additionally, in those cases where another person may be hired to fill the vacated position, the device assigned to the new employee may not meet the needs of the new employee. This article details the specifics required to allow employees separating from City employment to purchase noninventoried personal computing devices assigned to them. (2019 Compilation)