Offenses Against Property
130.01 Fire hydrants, unlawful use
130.02 Injuring property
130.03 Solicitors, peddlers; invitation required
130.04 Loitering prohibited
130.05 Presence of certain persons on premises
Offenses Against Public Peace and Morals
130.20 Offensive conduct
130.21 Assemblage; unlawful, disturbing
130.22 Fireworks
130.23 Gambling
130.24 Officers, hindering
130.25 Indecent exposure; lewd behavior
130.26 House of prostitution
130.27 Gang activity
130.28 Mob action
130.29 Narcotics
Offenses Involving Minors
130.40 Furnishing firearms to minor
130.41 Minors playing near railroads
130.42 Curfew
130.43 Possession of tobacco by minors
130.44 Sale of liquor and tobacco by minors
130.45 Sale of alcohol to minors
130.46 Presence of minors in business establishments holding liquor licenses
130.47 Parental irresponsibility and truancy
130.60 Firearms; discharging
130.61 Killing, wounding birds
130.62 Throwing missiles
130.63 Bows and arrows
130.99 Penalty