No person in the city shall:
   (A)   Disturb, tend to disturb, or aid in disturbing the peace of others by violent, tumultuous, offensive, or obstreperous conduct, and no person shall knowingly permit such conduct upon any premises owned or possessed by him or her or under his or her control;
   (B)   Assault, beat, wound, strike, imprison, or inflict violence on another where the circumstances show malice or assault with intent to commit any misdemeanor or felony. Nor shall any person assault another with a lethal weapon, instrument, or thing with intent to commit upon the person of another any bodily injury where no considerable provocation appears or where the circumstances of the assault show malice;
   (C)   Fight another person;
   (D)   Loiter or stroll in, about, or upon any street, alley, or other public way or public place, or in any public gathering or assembly, or in or around any store, shop, or business or commercial establishment, or in the private property or place without lawful business or conduct himself or herself in a lewd, wanton, or lascivious manner in speech or behavior; or
   (E)   Wander the streets, alleys, or other public ways or other places at late or unusual hours in the night without any visible or lawful business and not giving a satisfactory account of himself or herself.
(Prior Code, § 6-1-19) (Ord. passed 12-13-1994) Penalty, see § 130.99