Chapter 15.100
Article I . General Provisions
15.100.010   Enforcement and application.
15.100.020   Certificate of compliance.
15.100.030   Revocation of certificate of occupancy/compliance.
15.100.040   Helistop.
15.100.050   Plans.
Article II . Fire Department Equipment
15.100.060   Fire department equipment storage rooms.
15.100.070   Location and access.
15.100.080   Equipment required.
15.100.090   Maintenance.
15.100.100   Fire department breathing air system.
15.100.110   On-site access roadways for fire department.
15.100.120   Roadway obstructions.
Article III . Automatic Fire Extinguishing System
15.100.130   Fire suppression systems.
15.100.140   Secondary supply.
15.100.150   Fire department standpipe connections.
15.100.160   Fire department standpipe connection locations.
Article IV . Smoke Detection System
15.100.170   Remote indicators.
15.100.180   Group R, Division 1, room detectors.
15.100.190   Fire separation doors.
15.100.200   Non-fire rated corridors.
Article V . Alarm and Communication Systems
15.100.210   Scope.
15.100.220   Fire alarm system operation.
15.100.230   High noise level.
15.100.240   Wiring.
15.100.250   Minimum required zones.
15.100.260   Fire alarm annunciator panel.
15.100.270   Annunciation panel graphics.
15.100.280   Auxiliary supervised annunciation.
15.100.290   Smoke removal control panel.
Article VI . Fire Control Room
15.100.300   Scope.
15.100.310   Room size.
15.100.320   Working clearance.
15.100.330   Room identification.
15.100.340   Emergency supply circuits.
15.100.350   Room illumination and emergency supply circuits.
15.100.360   Remote status alarm indication.
15.100.370   Room use.
15.100.380   Room layout.
15.100.390   Identification of cabinets and controls.
15.100.400   Telephone.
15.100.410   Dry marker board.
15.100.420   Work surface.
15.100.430   Air conditioning.
15.100.440   Labeling.
15.100.450   Log book.
15.100.460   Equipment and controls.
15.100.470   Building plans.
Article VII . Smoke Removal Systems
15.100.480   Smoke removal.
15.100.490   Smoke removal openings.
15.100.500   Designed by licensed mechanical engineer.
15.100.510   Mechanical ventilation testing.
15.100.520   Test criteria for smoke removal systems.
15.100.530   Fire-damper temperature rating.
15.100.540   Stairway pressurization.
15.100.550   Smoke removal actuation.
15.100.560   Smoke system controls.
15.100.570   Fan override controls.
15.100.580   Damper override controls.
15.100.590   Visual display.
15.100.600   Fans, dampers and controls.
15.100.610   Panel arrangement.
15.100.620   Smoke removal plans.
Article VIII . Elevators
15.100.630   Elevator car identification.
15.100.640   Elevator/lobby separation.
15.100.650   Call buttons and telephones.
15.100.660   Recall.
Article IX . Emergency Standby Power Systems
15.100.670   Installation.
15.100.680   Transfer time.
15.100.690   Fuel supply.
15.100.700   Manual starting.
15.100.710   Sizing.
15.100.720   Energy management system.
Article X . Seismic Consideration
15.100.730   Seismic consideration.
Article XI . Fire Pump
15.100.740   Fire pump.
15.100.750   Location.
15.100.760   Fuel supply.
15.100.770   Temporary standpipes.
Article XII . Miscellaneous Requirements
15.100.780   Stairway locking devices.
15.100.790   Stairway telephones.
15.100.800   Sump pump.
Article XIII . Electrical Requirements
15.100.810   Metal raceways required.
      15.100.819A   Article XIV. Maintenance
15.100.820   Life safety system repair-Fire department notification.