15.100.790   Stairway telephones.
   Where it is elected to lock the stairway doors from the stairway side, it is required to place a telephone at every fifth floor. Each telephone shall be clearly labeled as to its use. At all other levels in the stairway, there shall be signs indicating where the telephones are located. The telephones shall be located adjacent to the stairway identification signs, following the same requirements as to size and nature as required in U.B.C. Standard 33.203.
   The telephones shall connect directly to a guard station, P.B.X. or any other location which is manned on a twenty-four (24) hour basis. In the event that the operator is unable to answer the phone within thirty (30) seconds, the call shall be transferred to an approved monitoring company who shall immediately call the appropriate personnel to respond. (Prior code §§ 9.28.1278, 15.18.1802)