15.100.680   Transfer time.
   The system shall be equipped with suitable means for automatically starting the generator set upon failure of the normal electrical supply system(s). The system shall automatically transfer all functions required by this title at full power in the required time. All transfer switches shall be of the approved four wire, four pole type when used to transfer a four wire system.
   A.   Emergency electrical systems shall be automatically transferred and be at full power within ten (10) seconds, and include the following loads:
      1.   Lighting circuits as follows:
         a.   In the fire control room;
         b.   Main electrical switchboard or distribution room or area;
         c.   Fire pump room;
         d.   Fire equipment storage rooms;
         e.   Any other area as deemed necessary by the authority having jurisdiction.
      2.   Emergency receptacles shall be installed in exit corridors. In addition to the locations listed above, emergency power supplied one hundred twenty (120) volt, twenty (20) amp receptacles shall be located in corridors within ten (10) feet of entry to exit stairways (not over one hundred (100) feet apart), and areas where smoke removal machinery and controls are located. These receptacles shall be red in color, and shall meet the fire department's specifications. (Prior code §§ 9.28.1267, 15.15.1502)