General Provisions
51.01 Sewer Use Ordinance adopted
51.02 Water system controlled by Public Utilities Director
51.03 Waterworks lakes
51.04 Expansion of utilities
51.05 Equipment to remain property of city
51.06 City reserves right to shut off water
51.07 Pertinent provisions incorporated into contracts
51.08 Sanitary fixtures
Connection Regulations
51.20 Laterals
51.21 When connections required
51.22 Made only by city
51.23 Application
51.24 Schedule of fees
51.25 Where sewer connection made
51.26 Separate connection required
51.27 Size of connections; obtaining larger
Line Extensions
51.40 Conditions on extensions into proposed subdivisions
51.41 Restrictions on intermediate connections
51.42 Terms and conditions
51.43 Standards; cost sharing
51.44 Financing of extensions generally
51.45 Financing extensions outside city
51.46 Installation and construction; ownership
Water Rates and Meters
51.60 Service deposit
51.61 Meters read; bills payable
51.62 Maintenance of meters
51.63 Delinquent accounts; service disconnection
51.64 New accounts
51.65 Water may be removed
51.66 Reinserting meter
51.67 Schedule of rates