(A)   Any water mains or sanitary sewer mains extended under the provisions of this division (A) shall be installed and constructed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and other requirements of the city.
   (B)   Unless the city chooses not to assume ownership, all facilities installed under the provisions of this subchapter, whether within or outside the corporate limits, shall become the sole property of the city and shall be under its jurisdiction and control for any and all purposes at the time such facilities are connected to the city’s system.
   (C)   Prior to the entering into a contract or agreement with an applicant to extend water or sewer facilities outside the corporate limits, the owner seeking an extension of water or sewer facilities, the cost of which is borne in whole or in part by the individual owners, first shall execute a warranty deed to the city covering all of the facilities involved in the extension and granting to the city the right of easement to service and maintain the water or sewer facilities that may be extended.
(Prior Code, § 51.061)