(A)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      CLOSET, WATER CLOSET, PRIVY, or URINAL. A device for the receiving or disposal of human excrement, connected with proper fitting, so that its contents shall empty into the city sewer.
      PIT PRIVY. A closet consisting of a fly-proof vault, which shall be at least four feet deep and which shall have a casing 12 inches deep extending downward from the top of the pit. The PRIVY shall be provided with hinged, self-closing lids for each seat. The door of such a PRIVY shall be provided with a self-closing device which shall always be workable. There shall be a stack ventilator leading from the PRIVY out through the roof.
      TANK PRIVY. A closet consisting of a watertight concrete tank placed beneath the privy, at the left end of which shall be an overflow pipe laid in porous gravel or cinders. The TANK itself shall be partially partitioned off with baffle boards to prevent any floating material from overflowing into and stopping up the tile. There shall be a stack ventilator leading from the PRIVY out through the roof.
(Prior Code, § 51.020)
   (B)   Water closet required. Every residence and building in which human beings reside or congregate shall be required to have a sanitary water closet. It shall be unlawful to dispose of any human excreta within the city except through such a water closet.
(Prior Code, § 51.021)
   (C)   Connection to sewer system required. Any owner of any building in which human beings reside or congregate within 200 feet of a sewer line shall be required to install a sanitary closet and connect same to the sewer system, unless an exception is granted by the City Manager.
(Prior Code, § 51.022)