(A)   Meters read; bills payable. Meters shall be read in accordance with the schedule established by City Council. Bills shall be submitted monthly and shall be payable by the tenth of the month in which bill is due.
(Prior Code, § 51.076)
   (B)   Bills based on meters; defective meters.
      (1)   Water bills shall be based on the actual reading of the amount of water used, except that when the amount of water used is not registered because of a defective meter, the bill rendered shall be for the average amount used by the premises served by such meter during the preceding three months or during the portion of such period for which water rent records are available.
      (2)   If water was not consumed by the premises through the meter during such preceding period, the bill rendered shall be for the average period and for the average amount of other services of the same class in the city during the period covered by the bill. Bills shall be rendered separately for each service or connection. When more than one family or other group furnishes water through a single meter, the bill therefor shall be furnished only to the person upon whose application such water was furnished. All bills shall be made out and mailed as early as practicable after the close of the month or quarter covered by such bills.
(Prior Code, § 51.078)