2-1-1: Establishment
2-1-2: Service As A Mobile Support Team
2-1-3: Agreements With Other Political Subdivisions
2-1-4: Emergency Action
2-1-5: Compensation Of ESDA Members
2-1-6: Powers And Duties Of The Organization
2-1-7: Reimbursement By State
2-1-8: Purchases And Expenditures
2-1-9: Oath
2-1-10: Office
2-1-11: Village President; Emergency Powers
A. Pursuant to the Illinois emergency management agency act 1
("IEMA act") there is hereby created a local emergency management agency of the village to be known as the Riverwoods emergency services disaster agency ("ESDA") to coordinate the emergency management program within the village and with private organizations, other political subdivisions, and the state and federal governments. The village from time to time shall prepare and adopt an all hazards document that establishes emergency management activities for the village following the principles of the Illinois emergency management agency (IEMA), the national incident management systems (NIMS) and the national response plan (NRP), to be known as the village of Riverwoods emergency operations plan ("EOP").
B. The village president shall be the executive in charge of the ESDA.
C. The village president shall designate a coordinator (the "ESDA coordinator"), who shall be the assistant to the village president with the duty of coordinating the emergency management program for the village consistent with the applicable provisions of the IEMA act and the EOP. The ESDA coordinator shall be so identified in the EOP. The ESDA coordinator shall serve at the pleasure of the village president. The ESDA coordinator shall have direct responsibility for the organization, administration, training and operation of the ESDA, subject to the supervision of the village president and the policy direction and budgeting control of the village board as provided by statute.
D. All other members of the ESDA shall be: 1) those persons from time to time designated in the EOP and 2) any other persons appointed or designated by the ESDA coordinator, who shall serve at the pleasure of the ESDA coordinator. (Ord. 14-11-25, 11-18-2014)
1 | 1. 20 ILCS 3305/1 et seq. |
A. All or any members of the ESDA may be designated as members of a mobile support team created by the director of the Illinois emergency management agency (the "IEMA") to aid and to reinforce the IEMA and emergency services and disaster agencies as provided by law.
B. The leader of such mobile support team shall be designated by the ESDA coordinator.
C. Any member of a mobile support team who is a paid village employee or officer while serving on call to duty by the governor or the state director shall receive the compensation and have the powers, duties, rights, and immunities incident to such village employment or office. Any such member who is not a paid officer or employee of the village, while so serving, may receive from the state reasonable compensation as provided by law or may receive reasonable compensation as provided by the village board. (Ord. 14-11-25, 11-18-2014)