8-1-1: Title
8-1-2: Authority
8-1-3: Purpose
8-1-4: Applicability And Jurisdiction
8-1-5: Minimum Requirements
8-1-6: Conflicting Provisions
8-1-7: Word Usage And Construction Of Language
8-1-8: Transitional Rules
8-1-9: Severability
8-1-10: Definitions
The Village adopts this title pursuant to its home rule powers under the Illinois Constitution of 1970, and, notwithstanding the additional authority granted to the Village by 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/1-2-4, and the Municipal Adoption of Codes and Records Act, 50 Illinois Compiled Statutes 220/1 et seq., the adoption of each Building, Fire Safety or other published Code by reference in this title shall be regarded as an exercise of the home rule powers of the Village. (Ord. 07-4-6, 4-17-2007)
The Village adopts this title and each Building, Fire Safety or other published Code incorporated herein by reference in order to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the Village by:
A. Establishing and enforcing minimum standards of safe design and construction for all buildings, structures or part thereof, equipment and appurtenances thereto that are constructed, altered, repaired, wrecked or moved within the limits of the Village;
B. Assisting in the protection of private lands from erosion, earth movement, flooding and assuring the maximum preservation of the natural scenic character of the Village by establishing minimum standards and requirements relating to land grading, erosion control excavations and fills and by establishing procedures by which these standards and requirements may be enforced; and enforcing and promoting the purposes of the Lake County watershed development ordinance, as such ordinance has been adopted by reference in the Village;
C. Encouraging the placement of buildings or structures on any land as it relates to adjacent lands so as to maximize visually pleasant relationships and minimize problems which could result in increased development or maintenance costs or environmental damage to the land in question as well as surrounding property; (Ord. 07-4-6, 4-17-2007)
D. Enforcing and promoting the purposes of the Riverwoods tree and woodland protection ordinance and assuring that their provisions are adhered to; and (Ord. 07-4-6, 4-17-2007; amd. Ord. 18-03-05, 3-6-2018)
E. Establishing and enforcing safe construction site safety practices to minimize the adverse effects of construction activity on nearby properties, including private and public streets and facilities. (Ord. 07-4-6, 4-17-2007)