A.   Emergency Powers: Pursuant to the applicable provisions of the police protection and public order provisions contained in the Illinois municipal code under 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-1-6, during a state of emergency, the village president shall have the extraordinary power and authority to exercise, by executive order, such of the powers of the corporate authorities as may be reasonably necessary to respond to the emergency.
   B.   Definitions: The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
   CIVIL DISTURBANCE: A riot or unlawful assembly characterized by the use of actual force or violence or any threat to use force if accompanied by immediate power to execute by three (3) or more persons acting in concert without authority of law.
   CURFEW: A prohibition against any person or persons walking, running, loitering, standing or motoring upon any sidewalk, alley, street, highway, public property or vacant premises within the corporate limits of the village, not including officials of any governmental unit and persons officially designated to duty with reference to such civil emergency.
   NATURAL DISASTER OR MANMADE CALAMITY: Includes flood, railroad or vehicle wrecks, conflagration, cyclone, tornado, earthquake, explosion, drought, aircraft crashes, or any other occurrence of such magnitude within the corporate limits of the village that extraordinary measures must be taken to protect the public health, safety and welfare.
   C.   Emergency Powers; Duration: Whenever any civil disturbance, natural disaster or manmade calamity shall occur within the corporate limits which are sufficiently extensive and reach such proportions that law and order cannot be maintained by available methods, the village president, by this section and as may be otherwise provided in 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-1-6, is empowered to:
      1.   Suspend the sale and/or provision of liquor and alcoholic beverages by establishments licensed under the ordinances of the village;
      2.   Order the discontinuance of selling, distributing or giving away gasoline or other liquid flammable or combustible products;
      3.   Order the discontinuance of selling, distributing, dispensing or giving away of any firearms or ammunition of any character whatsoever;
      4.   Set curfew hours for all persons within the corporate limits of the village during such hours of the day or night as deemed necessary;
      5.   Order the evacuation of all residences, businesses and other buildings as may be deemed necessary;
      6.   Call on the national guard through the office of the governor in accordance with the Illinois internal security plan as outlined by the adjutant general of the state of Illinois when the local law enforcement authorities are unable to cope with a dangerous or disastrous situation; and
      7.   Issue any other order as is imminently necessary for the protection of life, property, health, safety, and the public welfare.
The orders authorized in this subsection may be issued singly or together.
   D.   Justification: Whenever the village president shall deem it necessary to invoke the emergency powers set forth in this section, the village president shall, as soon as practical, but in no case longer than twelve (12) hours from the time of the invocation of the powers, notify the village clerk and the village board, in writing, under oath, of his or her reasons for invoking such emergency powers and giving justification for such actions.
   E.   Time Limit: The emergency powers given to the village president by this section shall not, without village board approval, extend beyond any seven (7) day period (Sundays and holidays included) for any one occurrence of a civil disturbance, natural disaster or manmade calamity, nor later than the adjournment of the first regular meeting of the village board after the state of emergency is declared.
   F.   Public Notification: Upon issuing the proclamation herein authorized, the village clerk shall notify one of the news media publications whose papers are of general circulation in the village and shall cause two (2) copies of the proclamation declaring the existence of the emergency to be posted at the following places within the village: the village hall and the village police station.
   G.   Emergency Powers; Order Of Succession: Should the village president be unavailable, the emergency powers of the village president shall be carried according to the EOP then in effect.
   H.   Violations: Any person violating the provisions of this chapter or executive order issued pursuant thereto shall be guilty of an offense against the village, and shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00). Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to undermine the powers granted to the Riverwoods police department or any other operating department of the village, but shall be construed together with existing ordinances now in effect for the safety and welfare of the citizens of the village. (Ord. 14-11-25, 11-18-2014)