Vehicles or receptacles carrying any fruits, vegetables, melons or any other kind of merchandise for display or retail sale may be allowed by the Chief of Police to stand or station such vehicle or receptacles at a point designated by him, but not for a period of more than one day at any one point consecutively.
('79 Code, § 23-84)
(A) If a police officer or traffic enforcement or public safety officer shall find on a public street or in a parking lot or other area open to the public any motor vehicle as to which there exists a balance due of $100 or more, including penalties, in outstanding unpaid parking citations, such officer may cause that vehicle to be towed and impounded, and said vehicle shall not be released unless and until the towing fees, storage fees and all parking fines have been paid and a notice authorizing release is obtained from the Police Department.
(B) The police officers of the city, upon finding an unattended vehicle as described in § 71.04(H) of this chapter, are hereby authorized and empowered to cause said vehicle to be towed and impounded.
(C) Upon finding violations of the following prohibitive acts, a police officer or traffic enforcement officer, at his/her discretion, is hereby authorized and empowered to cause said vehicle to be towed and impounded if said vehicle is impeding the flow of traffic, is a hazard to pedestrians or to other vehicles, or is a potential danger to persons or property.
(1) In any intersection.
(2) In a crosswalk.
(3) At any place where the vehicle would block the use of a driveway.
(4) Within 20 feet of the driveway entrance to any Fire Department station and on the side of the street opposite the entrance of any such station within 75 feet to such entrance when properly posted.
(5) On any sidewalk or parkway.
(6) At any place so designated and marked by red or yellow paint by the Board of Commissioners by order or ordinance.
(7) In any fire lane, or in front of, or within 10 feet of, a fire hydrant or stand pipe.
(D) In addition to the other penalties prescribed herein, the police officers or traffic enforcement officers of the city, upon finding an unattended motor vehicle parked on any street of the city are hereby authorized and empowered to cause said vehicle to be towed and impounded. Before the vehicle can be towed, a 48 hour notice shall be placed on the vehicle and said 48 hour time period must have lapsed. If impounded, the vehicle will be towed to a secure place for safekeeping and the said vehicle shall not be released or delivered to the owner or operator thereof until and unless the penalties due from him/her to the city, the towing fee and storage charges, if any, have been fully paid, and a permit authorizing release is obtained from the Police Department.
(Ord. 85-11, passed 8-20-85; Am. Ord. 94-44, passed 10-18-94; Am. Ord. 99-13, passed 5-4-99; Am. Ord. 09-15, passed 7-28-09; Am. Ord. 12-29, passed 7-24-12)
Penalty, see § 71.99
(A) It shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of any motor vehicle to park or store same on any privately owned real property within the city, unless the owner or operator of such motor vehicle shall have theretofore been given permission to do so by the owner or lessee of said premises.
(B) Upon complaint made to the Police Department by the owner or lessee of any privately owned real property situated within the city, that a motor vehicle is parked or stored on the complainant's said premises in violation of the prohibition of this section, any member of said Police Department to whom that duty may be assigned shall be authorized forthwith to affix to the offending vehicle a regular police tag or ticket charging the owner of said vehicle with the offense of unlawfully parking the same.
('79 Code, § 23-27) (Ord. A-339, passed 11-22-59) Penalty, see § 71.99
(A) It shall be unlawful to park or leave standing any watercraft (whether on or off a trailer); recreational vehicle of all types, kinds, and description; commercial vehicle (including trailers); or utility trailer on any street in the city within any area zoned as either R-l, R-2, or R-3 for any period of time in excess of that reasonably required to make a delivery, discharge, or pick up of a passenger or to load or unload items of personalty in the process of being removed from or delivered to a residence in the immediate vicinity.
(B) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, a resident of the street in question may park such a vehicle on a street immediately abutting the lot upon which the resident resides for the purpose of convenient departure from or return to the lot by the resident in connection with a planned trip, outing, or vacation of the resident. Such parking shall in no event extend beyond 24 hours.
(C) For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
(1) COMMERCIAL VEHICLE. Any vehicle as to which a commercial license, registration, or Department of Transportation identification number must be or has been issued, or as to the operation of which a commercial driver’s license must be obtained, and any non-motorized trailer, or any bus or school bus, or any truck in excess of 20 feet in length or one ton in capacity.
(2) RECREATIONAL VEHICLE. Any vehicle or trailer, whether or not motorized, designed or used as travel trailer, camper, motor home, tent trailer, camping trailer, and the like.
(3) UTILITY TRAILER. All non-motorized trailers designed to haul or transport goods, materials, equipment, watercraft, or personalty of any kind or description.
(D) A city law enforcement official, including a safety officer, who shall find any of the aforementioned items to be in violation of divisions (A) or (B) of this section, shall place on the item, in a conspicuous location, a notice advising that the item is unlawfully parked or stored and that if the item is not removed and placed in a lawful location within 48 hours of the giving of such notice it will be towed; merely moving the item to a different location on a prohibited street will not abate the initial violation. If the item yet remains on a prohibited street following the expiration of such 48 hours, it shall be towed. The owner thereof shall bear sole responsibility for procuring the release of the item by means of making payment to the towing company of all charges relating to the tow, including, without limitation, the tow charge and any applicable storage fees.
(Ord. 11-11, passed 6-14-11)
(A) The City Manager, in consultation with the Chief of Police, the Fire Chief, and/or the County EMS Director, is authorized to make a determination of when on-street parking congestion is such that the ability of emergency responder vehicles to rapidly traverse a city street is or may be hindered in an emergency response situation. When, based upon the information conveyed to the City Manager following such consultation, the City Manager determines that on- street parking creates or may create such a hindrance on a city street, the City Manager shall be, and is hereby, authorized to take such reasonable measures as may be required to remedy the public safety hazard including:
(1) The creation of such no parking zones as may be reasonably necessary; and
(2) Directing that such no parking zones be made apparent to the public through appropriate signage and/or painting of the curbs in the no parking zone.
(B) When any no parking zone is created pursuant to the authority hereby granted, the fines and penalties applicable to a parking violation in the zone shall be those as are in existence in the city’s traffic regulations and ordinances, as same may be from time to time amended.
(Ord. 18-21, passed 8-28-18)