1458.01 Intent.
1458.02 Compliance; traffic signs.
1458.03 Definitions.
1458.04 Permit application, issuance and revocation; illuminated and electrical signs.
1458.05 Face area, height and location; measurement standards.
1458.06 Prohibited signs.
1458.07 Illuminated signs.
1458.08 Location and placement.
1458.09 Political signs.
1458.10 Temporary signs.
1458.11 Signs in Residential Districts and for community facilities.
1458.12 Signs in permitted districts.
1458.13 Signs for Industrial Districts.
1458.14 Signs in Design Review Districts.
1458.15 Signs for parking facilities.
1458.16 Maintenance and removal of signs.
1458.17 Nonconforming signs and uses.
1458.18 Supplementary provisions for nonresidential districts.
1458.19 Exempt signs.
1458.20 Appeals.
1458.21 Disposal of signs.
1458.99 Penalty.
Signs on windshields - see TRAF. 438.23
Liquor age warning signs - see GEN. OFF. 612.06
Signs for garage sales - see B.R. & T. 822.04
Signs for late night sales - see B.R. & T. 832.02
Maintenance of signs - see B. & H. 1488.13
Signs for self-service filling stations - see F.P. 1640.03
The provisions of this chapter, including provisions to control the type, design, size, location and maintenance of signs, are hereby enacted to achieve the following purposes:
(a) To enable the public to locate goods, services and facilities without difficulty or confusion;
(b) To protect property values, public investment and overall neighborhood character by preventing conditions which have undesirable impacts on surrounding properties;
(c) To promote the development of attractive and harmonious residential districts, viable commercial districts and appropriately identified industrial uses;
(d) To provide a safe environment through the regulation of private signs and lighting which may distract attention from or obstruct the viability of traffic information devices; and
(e) To protect scenic views and the visual environment along City streets and limited access highways.
(Ord. 1993-135. Passed 11-1-93.)
Signs shall be designed, erected, altered, moved, displayed and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. The provisions of this chapter shall not amend or in any way interfere with other codes, rules or regulations governing traffic signs within the City.
(Ord. 1993-135. Passed 11-1-93.)