1458.01 INTENT.
   The provisions of this chapter, including provisions to control the type, design, size, location and maintenance of signs, are hereby enacted to achieve the following purposes:
   (a)   To enable the public to locate goods, services and facilities without difficulty or confusion;
   (b)   To protect property values, public investment and overall neighborhood character by preventing conditions which have undesirable impacts on surrounding properties;
   (c)   To promote the development of attractive and harmonious residential districts, viable commercial districts and appropriately identified industrial uses;
   (d)   To provide a safe environment through the regulation of private signs and lighting which may distract attention from or obstruct the viability of traffic information devices; and
   (e)   To protect scenic views and the visual environment along City streets and limited access highways.
      (Ord. 1993-135. Passed 11-1-93.)