Signs for uses in permitted districts shall be permitted as regulated below:
(Ord. 2014-051. Passed 6-2-14.)
   (a)   Maximum Sign Face Area (Retail). The maximum sign face area of all permanent building-mounted signs for each building or unit thereof shall be related to the width of the building or unit. (For lots without buildings or with unusually small buildings, see Section 1458.18(d).) Maximum sign face area, excluding the area free-standing signs, shall be determined according to the measurement standards of Section 1458.05 and the following formula, where W is the width of the frontage (in feet) of the building or unit thereof:
(W x 1.5) + 25 = Square feet of signage
   (b)   Permitted Types, Number, Area and Height (Retail). Signs by use and structural type are permitted only in accordance with the provisions of the Schedule of Permitted Types, Number, Area and Height (Retail and Industrial). Sign types not listed are prohibited, except for political signs which are permitted as set forth in Section 1458.09. (All signs are permanent unless listed as temporary.)
#: 1 per lot 4
SF: 32
HT: 20
SF: As regulated by formula
#: 1 per Building
SF: 6 if hanging from soffits
#: 1 per Building
SF: 12
#: Minimum necessary as approved by Chief Building Official --
Not Permitted
SF: 4
SF: 4
SF: 4
REAL ESTATE (Temporary)
#: 1 per street frontage
SF: 16
HT: 8
#: 1 per building side
SF: 16
#: 1 per building side
SF: 16
Not Permitted
Not Permitted
#: 2 per lot (total) -------
SF: 16
Not Permitted
Not Permitted
SF: 64
HT: 10
SF: 64
TEMPORARY (Excluding Real Estate and Development)
As permitted in Section 1458.18
SF: 25% of window area
As permitted in Section 1458.10
#: Maximum number of signs
SF: Maximum sign face area (in square ft.) per side of each sign
HT: Maximum height for free-standing signs
Sign area formula: (W x 1.5) + 25 square feet of signage
      1.   Except 75 sq. ft. maximum for establishments with a building frontage of 100-200 ft. and 100 sq. ft. maximum for establishments with a building frontage exceeding 200 ft.
      2.   Identification or business signs using animation, electronically-- changeable copy or flashing lights are specifically prohibited for adult entertainment uses.
      3.   Identification and business signs using animation or electronically-- changeable copy are permitted in C-1 Light Commercial, CBD Central Business and C-2 Heavy Commercial Districts as free-standing, wall or window signs and, for theatres, also as canopy signs.
      4.   See Section 1458.18(b).
      5.   For hospitals, colleges and other public facilities and institutions, directional and information signs may be permitted to a maximum area of 12 sq. ft. and a maximum height of 6 ft. as necessary in the determination of the Chief Building Official.
      6.   In C-1 Light Commercial and C-2 Heavy Commercial Districts, wall and free-standing development signs shall be limited to 48 sq. ft. and 10 ft. in height (for free-standing signs).
   (c)   Location (Retail). Free-standing signs as permitted for retail uses shall conform to the provisions of the Schedule of Location Regulations (Retail and Industrial) in addition to the provisions of Section 1458.08.
Free-Standing Sign Types




District Line
Street R.O.W.
Side and Rear
Lot Lines
   (d)   Shopping Centers. For purposes of this chapter, five or more businesses located on a single lot and served by common parking or common vehicular entrances shall be classified as a shopping center and shall be permitted one free-standing identification sign and one wall identification sign in addition to other permitted signs and in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   Contents. Each shopping center identification sign shall display only the name of the center and, at the discretion of the shopping center owner, the name of each business located within the center. In the case of an enclosed shopping mall, such free-standing sign may display the names of any businesses located within the mall and not directly served by an exclusive exterior entrance.
      (2)   Size. The maximum sign face area of a shopping center identification sign shall equal twenty square feet for each 10,000 square feet of gross floor area, but shall not exceed 125 square feet. All shopping centers, however, shall be permitted a sign of at least fifty square feet.
      (3)   Other provisions. All other provisions of this chapter applicable to identification signs shall apply to a shopping center identification sign.
      (4)   Other signs. A lot displaying a shopping center identification sign may display no other free-standing identification or business signs.
      (5)   Secondary frontage. One additional shopping center identification free- standing sign and one additional shopping center identification wall sign shall be permitted on a secondary street frontage with a vehicular entrance to the shopping center.
      (6)   Outlots. If a vehicular entrance or parking lot of a shopping center also serves as a use located on a separate lot (i.e. an outlot), the free-standing identification or business sign permitted for such lot shall be limited to a maximum of twenty-five square feet in area and seven feet in height.
   (e)   Gasoline Service Stations. Signs for gasoline service stations shall conform to all regulations of this chapter, except for subsection (a) hereof and any other provisions which directly conflict with the following provisions:
      (1)   Free-standing business sign. Each station shall be permitted one permanent free-standing business sign, with the total sign face area of the panel or panels not exceeding 100 square feet. Such sign shall be limited to identifying the company name, management, fuel prices and services offered.
      (2)   Signs at service islands. Stations shall be permitted information signs at fuel or other service islands which display information regarding the type of service or which are necessary in directing or instructing the motorist who has entered the station area. Signs not extending beyond the edges of fuel pumps are permitted and shall not be counted as business identification signs.
      (3)   Wall and canopy signs. Each station shall be permitted permanent identification, business, directional and information signs displayed as wall or canopy signs and not exceeding 100 square feet in combined area. Non-opaque internally-illuminated canopy surfaces (facia) shall be considered as sign panels for purposes of sign area measurement.
      (4)   Temporary signs. Temporary signs shall be permitted in accordance with Section 1458.10.
   (f)   Drive-Through Restaurants. For restaurants providing direct service to customers in motor vehicles, one free-standing or wall-mounted menu board sign (limited to information regarding the restaurant's menu and related instructions) shall be permitted for each drive-through lane, in addition to signs and sign area otherwise permitted. Such sign shall not exceed forty square feet in area and six feet in height and shall conform to setback requirements applicable to free-standing identification signs as provided for in subsection (c) hereof.
(Ord. 1993-135. Passed 11-1-93.)
   (g)   Ground/Monument Signs. Ground/monument signs may not exceed a height of eight feet with a surface area not to exceed twenty-four square feet per face and must be visually compatible with the Design Review District. Surrounding signs, structures and proposed sign height will be considered in determining the sign area which would be appropriate:
      (1)   The aggregate exterior lighting used to illuminate any one sign face in a residential district should not exceed an initial lumen output of 2850 lumens (equivalent to a 150-watt incandescent A lamp).
      (2)   A planter sign shall be set back a minimum of ten feet from the street right of way line. No planter sign shall be placed so as to interfere with view of oncoming traffic. As a general rule planter signs are discouraged within a triangle formed between points on the street right of way line and nearest edge of an intersecting drive within thirty-five feet from the intersection. The Design Review Commission shall review sign placement relative to required site lines and may allow variances from these location standards in the case of hardship or overriding site conditions.
   (h)   Awning Sign. For awning signs (which are signs painted or sewn onto or otherwise made to adhere to an awning valance) the following provisions shall apply:
      (1)   There shall be only one sign per awning valance front and at each end cap.
      (2)   Lettering and symbols will be permitted, provided that the total area of any symbol and any lettering comprises not more than one-third of the awning valance area.
      (3)   The bottom of any awning shall be at least eight feet above the sidewalk.
Awnings shall be made only of canvas, vinyl-coated canvas or akrilan. Metal, plastic and other rigid materials are prohibited.
   (i)   Temporary Signs. For any sign not permanently attached to a building, the ground or another structure, the following provisions shall apply:
      (1)   Such sign shall be permitted for one week with the permission of the Chief Building Official. An extension of up to four weeks may be granted if unusual circumstances exist by permission of the Design Review Commission.
      (2)   There shall be one such sign per pedestrian level tenant, or one sign for each upper floor tenant.
      (3)   Such sign may be located in the front of the establishment.
      (4)   Such sign should be twenty-five percent (25%) of allowable building sign square footage or (width x 1.5) + 25.
         (Ord. 2014-051. Passed 6-2-14.)