(a)   In General. All new signage or alterations to signage within the Design Review District shall be required to receive an approval of the application for design review unless otherwise noted in this chapter. No application for design review shall be required for a change of copy on a sign, the customary use of which involves frequent and periodic change of copy, nor shall an application for design review be required to conduct ordinary maintenance or repair of any sign within the Design Review District.
   The purpose of this section is to promote the public health, safety and welfare by regulating signs within the Design Review District. It is intended to protect property values, create a more attractive economic and business climate, preserve the dignity and architectural significance of the Design Review District, preserve its scenic and natural beauty, and provide a more enjoyable and pleasing community for its residents.
   A sign may carry only a message relating to a business or profession conducted, or a commodity or service sold or offered, upon the premises where such sign is located.
   A sign may appear without illumination or may be illuminated. Lighting source, design and placement must be as unobtrusive as possible, and are subject to approval of the Design Review Commission.
   (b)   Special Allowable Sign Types. Application for design review is not required for the following types of signs:
      (1)   Signs of duly constructed governmental bodies, such as legal notices and traffic or similar regulatory devices.
      (2)   Flags or emblems of political, civic, philanthropic, educational or religious organizations.
      (3)   Memorial plaques, cornerstones and historical tablets, markers and the like, unless one face exceeds six square feet in surface area.
      (4)   Signs posted in conjunction with doorbells or mailboxes.
      (5)   Signs required to be posted or maintained by law or a government order, rule or regulation.
      (6)   Signs displayed strictly for the direction, safety or convenience of the public, such as signs which identify restrooms, parking area entrances or exits, etc.
      (7)   Address signs showing only the numerical address of the premises upon which they are situated, street name signs and no trespass and other warning signs, unless one face exceeds ninety-six square inches.
   (c)   Projecting Signs. For a sign projecting horizontally more than twelve inches from the building face, the following provisions shall apply:
      (1)   There shall be one sign per each pedestrian level tenant per street frontage.
      (2)   Such sign shall not exceed nine square feet in surface area.
      (3)   Such sign shall not exceed horizontally more than one-half the distance of the width of the sidewalk from the property line to the curb.
      (4)   For pedestrian level establishments, the sign shall be contained in a rectangle whose top edge does not exceed the second story window sill. The bottom edge shall have a minimum clearance of nine feet above the sidewalk.
   (d)   Window Signs. For any permanent sign painted, goldleafed or attached onto the glass area or installed behind a window or in a showcase intended for viewing through the window from the outside of the premises, the following provisions shall apply:
      (!)   The area of permanent window signs will be limited to twenty percent of the glass area, except in the case of a door sign, when the area of the sign may be fifty percent of the glass area.
      (2)   The sign area will be calculated for each window.
   (e)   Free-Standing Signs. For any sign having its own support system which is independent of a building (including bulletin boards, A-shaped sandwich signs or sidewalk use, etc.), the following provisions shall apply:
      (1)   There shall be one sign per business entrance.
      (2)   A-shaped sandwich signs must be a minimum of two feet and may be up to four feet in height and up to eight square feet per face area.
      (3)   Such a sign may be located anywhere within the front yard or side yard of the establishment. Free-standing signs, except A-shaped sandwich signs, cannot be located on the sidewalk. A-shaped sandwich signs may be located anywhere on the sidewalk directly in front of the establishment, provided that the unobstructed sidewalk width is at least eight feet. (Ord. 1993-135. Passed 11-1-93.)
   (f)   Ground/Monument Signs. Ground/monument signs may not exceed a height of eight feet (8') with a surface area not to exceed twenty-four (24) square feet per face and must be visually compatible with the Design Review District. Surrounding signs, structures and proposed sign height will be considered in determining the sign area which would be appropriate.
      (1)   The aggregate exterior lighting used to illuminate any one sign face in a residential district should not exceed an initial lumen output of 2850 lumens (equivalent to a 150 watt incandescent A lamp).
      (2)   A planter sign shall be set back a minimum of ten feet (10') from the street right of way line. No planter sign shall be placed so as to interfere with view of oncoming traffic. As a general rule planter signs are discouraged within a triangle formed between points on the street right of way line and nearest edge of an intersection drive within thirty-five feet (35') from the intersection. The Design Review Commission shall review sign placement relative to required site lines and may allow variances from these location standards in the case of hardship or orverriding site conditions.
   (g)   Awning Sign. For awning signs (which are signs painted or sewn onto or otherwise made to adhere to an awning valance) the following provisions shall apply:
      (1)   There shall be only one sign per awning valance front and at each end cap.
      (2)   Lettering and symbols will be permitted, provided that the total area of any symbol and any lettering comprises not more than one-third of the awning valance area.
      (3)   The bottom of any awning shall be at least eight feet (8') above the sidewalk.
   Awnings shall be made only of canvas, vinyl-coated canvas or akrilan. Metal, plastic and other rigid materials are prohibited.
   (h)   Temporary Signs. For any sign not permanently attached to a building, the ground or another structure, the following provisions shall apply:
      (1)   Such sign shall be permitted for one week with the permission of the Chief Building Official. An extension of up to four weeks may be granted if unusual circumstances exist by permission of the Design Review Commission.
      (2)   There shall be one such sign per pedestrian level tenant, or one sign for each upper floor tenant.
      (3)   Such sign may be located in the front of the establishment.
      (4)   Such sign should be 25% of allowable building sign square footage or (width x 1.5) + 25.
         (Ord. 2011-035. Passed 3-7-11.)
   (i)   Prohibited Sign Types.
      (1)   Roof signs. Any sign placed on, over or above the roof or parapet of a building will not be permitted.
      (2)   Billboards and other off-premises signs. Except as provided for in subsection (h) hereof, billboards and other off-premises signs will not be permitted.
      (3)   Flashing signs. Generally, signs which flash, blink, revolve or otherwise convey motion will not be permitted. However, some of these sign types may be appropriate in a particular circumstance, such as the traditional rotating barber's pole.
   (j)   Permanent Supports; Method of Attachment; Color and Materials.
      (1)   No sign, awning, canopy or other apparatus pertaining to signs shall be kept or maintained by supports of permanent posts or poles between the property line and curb.
      (2)   The method of attachment should respect the architectural integrity of the structure and relate to or become an extension of the architecture. No sign shall conceal architectural details.
      (3)   The color and materials of any sign shall be harmonious with the color and materials of the building identified by the sign. Materials such as wood, wrought iron, steel, metal grill work and so forth, which were used in the nineteenth century, are encouraged. Non-historic materials, such as extruded aluminum, or plastics, are not recommended.
   (k)   Application for Design Review. Before any sign is constructed, erected or altered, an application for design review thereof must be approved by the Design Review Commission. Each application shall include the following:
      (1)   The exact location and height of the sign.
      (2)   The dimensions of the sign.
      (3)   The color, materials, character and method of illumination of the sign if any.
      (4)   The method of supporting or fastening the sign.
      (5)   In the case of a projecting or free-standing sign, the vertical distance between such sign and the finished grade and the horizontal distance between such sign and the curb.
   Each applicant shall, upon the request of the Ravenna Design Review Commission, submit any additional material.
(Ord. 1993-135. Passed 11-1-93.)