The following provisions regarding the location and placement of signs are generally applicable to all zoning districts:
   (a)   Vertical Clearance; Awning Signs. The lowest element of any sign which occupies the vertical space above a pedestrian or vehicular way and which is designed to permit traffic thereunder shall be at least nine feet above the finished grade of a sidewalk or other pedestrian way and at least fourteen feet above the finished grade of a pavement used for vehicular traffic, if such sign is located within eighteen inches of the vertical projection of the pavement edge.
         For awning signs (which are signs that are painted or sewn onto or otherwise made to adhere to, an awning valance) the following provisions shall apply:
      (1)   There shall be one sign per awning valance.
      (2)   Lettering and symbols will be permitted, provided that the total area of any symbol and any lettering comprises not more than one-third of the awning valance area.
      (3)   The bottom of any awning shall be at least eight feet above the sidewalk.
         Awnings shall be made only of canvas, vinyl-coated canvas or akrilan; metal, plastic and other rigid materials are prohibited.
   (b)   Visibility at Intersections. Signs shall be located and designed so as to maintain a substantially clear view. On a corner lot, no sign, wall or structure or shrubbery more than two feet in height above the plane of the established grades of the streets shall be erected or installed on any part of a front or side yard herein established that is included within the street lines of intersecting streets and a straight line connecting the street line at points which are twenty-five feet distance from the point of intersection, measured along the street line. No planting or foliage shall be placed or maintained within the area that, in the judgment of the Chief Building Official, will materially obstruct the view of a driver of a vehicle approaching the street intersections.
   (c)   Requirements in Specific or Setback Building Lines. A free-standing identification or business sign located in front of a specific or setback building line or in a front yard area shall be set within a curbed, planted island or area a minimum of 100 square feet in area. (See also Sections 1458.12(b) and (c) and 1458.13(b).)
   (d)   Relation to Traffic Devices. Unless regulated otherwise in the Traffic Code of the City, signs shall not be erected so as to obstruct sight lines along any public way or so as to obstruct sight lines to traffic control lights, street name signs at intersections or signals at railroad grade crossings. Signs visible from the sight lines along a street shall not contain symbols or words such as stop, go, slow, etc., or red, yellow or green lights that resemble highway traffic control devices.
   (e)   Projecting Signs. A projecting sign shall not extend above the wall to which it is attached and shall not extend horizontally more than four inches each way.
   (f)   Wall Signs. A wall sign shall not extend above the wall to which it is attached and such a sign shall be set back from the ends of the building or party wall lines a minimum distance of six inches. A wall sign mounted on a vertically-oriented roof surface shall not extend above the top of such surface.
   (g)   Canopy Signs. A sign which is attached to the fascia of a canopy shall not extend above the top of such surface.
   (h)   Roof Signs. A roof sign shall be set back from the ends of the building or party wall lines a minimum distance of two feet.
      (Ord. 1993-135. Passed 11-1-93.)