General Provisions
   52.01   Definitions
   52.02   Application for electric service; inspection; connection; customer selection of electric service and rate schedule
   52.03   Installation of electric meter and service; contract to pay; reservation of rights
   52.04   Rights, duties, obligations, liabilities, and the like of the company
   52.05   Rights, duties, obligations, liabilities, and the like of the customer
   52.06   Required standards of electric wiring and apparatus; rights to refuse or disconnect electric service
   52.07   Meter deposits may be charged for delinquencies; disconnection of service for nonpayment; due dates and delinquency dates for electric bills
Rates and Charges
   52.20   Reserved
   52.21   Schedule Number R-1; urban residential service
   52.22   Schedule Number R-2; rural residential service
   52.23   Schedule Number C-1; single phase commercial service
   52.24   Schedule Number C-2; three phase commercial service
   52.25   Schedule Number LP-1; large light and power
   52.26   Schedule Number S-1; security light
   52.27   Schedule Number NM-1; net metering tariff
Meter Installations
   52.40   Outside locations; supervision and approval of company of installation
   52.41   Inside locations; notice to remove and relocate; new installation under supervision of company
   52.99   Penalty
   Garbage and Refuse, see Chapter 50
   Water and Sewer Utilities, see Chapter 53