General Provisions
151.01 Definitions
151.02 Applications
151.03 Structures to be numbered
151.04 Size of site
151.05 Water and sewer connections
151.06 Residential foundations
151.07 Yard setbacks
151.08 Existing structures
151.09 Maintenance of structures
151.10 Certificate of compliance
151.11 Certificate of occupancy
Inspections of Buildings and Dwellings
151.20 Plans for inspections; dwellings
151.21 Powers and duties of Code Enforcement Officer
151.22 Notice of violation
151.23 Emergencies
151.24 Appellate procedures
151.25 Minimum standards for basic equipment and facilities
151.26 General requirements relating to safe/sanitary maintenance of parts of buildings or dwellings (exterior and interior requirements)
151.27 Responsibilities of owners and occupants
Inspections of Multiple Dwellings
151.40 Plans for inspections; multiple dwellings
151.41 Powers and duties of Code Enforcement Officer
151.42 Notice of violation
151.43 Emergencies
151.44 Appellate procedures
151.45 Minimum standards for basic equipment and facilities
151.46 Minimum standards for light and ventilation
151.47 General requirements relating to safe/sanitary maintenance of parts of dwellings (exterior and interior requirements)
151.48 Maximum density, minimum space, use and location requirements
151.49 Responsibilities of owners and occupants
151.99 Penalty