No person shall own, maintain, rent or occupy any building or dwelling for the purpose of living, sleeping, cooking or eating therein which does not comply with the requirements of this section.
   (A)   A kitchen sink in good working condition and properly connected to a water supply system which meets appropriate village codes and which provides at all times an adequate amount of running water under pressure, and which is connected to a sewer system.
   (B)   Bathroom. Within a building or dwelling there shall be a room which affords privacy to a person within said room and which is equipped with a flush water closet in good working condition. Said flush water closet shall be properly connected to a water system that at all times provides an adequate amount of running water under pressure to cause the water closet to be operated properly, and shall be properly connected to a sewer system.
   (C)   Lavatory sink. The lavatory sink may be in the same room as the flush water closet or located in another room. The lavatory sink shall be in good working condition and properly connected to a water supply system which meets appropriate village codes which is properly connected to a sewer system.
   (D)   Bathtub or shower. Said bathtub or shower may be in the same room as the flush water closet or in another room and shall be properly connected to a water supply system which meets appropriate village codes and which is connected to a sewer system.
(Ord. 20-564, passed 5-4-2020) Penalty, see § 151.99