No person shall own, maintain, rent or occupy any dwelling unit for the purpose of living, sleeping, cooking or eating therein which does not comply with the requirements of this section.
(A) Food preparation area. Every dwelling unit shall have a room or portion of a room in which food may be prepared and/or cooked, which shall have an adequate circulation area, and which shall be equipped with the following:
(1) A kitchen sink in good working condition and properly connected to a water supply system which meets appropriate village codes and which provides at all times an adequate amount of heated and unheated running water under pressure, and which is connected to a sewer system;
(2) Cabinets and/or shelves for the storage of eating, drinking and cooking equipment and utensils, and for food that does not under ordinary summer conditions require refrigeration for safe keeping; and a counter or table for food preparation. Said cabinets and/or shelves and counter or table shall be of sound construction and furnished with surfaces that are easily cleanable and that will not import any toxic or harmful effect to food;
(3) A stove, or similar device, for cooking food, and a refrigerator, or similar device, for the safe storage of food at temperatures less than 45°F, but more than 32°F under ordinary maximum summer conditions, which are properly installed with all necessary connections for safe, sanitary, and efficient operation; provided that such stove, refrigerator, and/or similar devices need not be installed when a dwelling unit is not occupied and when the occupant is expected to provide same on occupancy, and also provided that sufficient space and adequate connections for the safe and efficient installation and operation of said stove, refrigerator and/or similar devices are provided;
(4) Every kitchen shall contain not less than three duplex outlets.
(B) Bathroom. Within every dwelling unit there shall be a non-habitable room which affords privacy to a person within said room and which is equipped with a flush water closet in good working condition. Said flush water closet shall be equipped with easily cleanable surfaces, be properly connected to a water system that at all times provides an adequate amount of running water under pressure to cause the water closet to be operated properly, and shall be properly connected to a sewer system.
(1) Such room shall contain a window which may be opened for outside air or mechanical or gravity ventilation in proper operating condition.
(2) The floors and fixtures in such rooms shall be grouted, caulked or sealed to prevent the escape of moisture into adjoining sections of apartment buildings.
(3) Every bathroom shall contain not less than one outlet within 30 inches of the wash-basin. Every bathroom shall contain one switched electric light fixture.
(C) Lavatory sink. Within every dwelling unit there shall be a lavatory sink. Said lavatory sink may be in the same room as the flush water closet, or, if located in another room, the lavatory sink shall be located in close proximity to the door leading directly into the room in which said water closet is located. The lavatory sink shall be in good working condition and properly connected to a water supply system which meets appropriate village codes and which provides at all times an adequate amount of heated and unheated running water under pressure, and which is properly connected to a sewer system. Water inlets for lavatory sinks shall be located above the overflow rim of these facilities.
(D) Bathtub or shower. Within every dwelling unit there shall be a room which affords privacy to a person within said room and which is equipped with a bathtub or shower in good working condition. Said bathtub or shower may be in the same room as the flush water closet or in another room and shall be properly connected to a water supply system which meets appropriate village codes and which provides at all times an adequate amount of heated water at a temperature of 120°F and unheated water under pressure, and which is connected to a sewer system. Water inlets for bathtubs shall be located above the overflow rim of these facilities.
(E) Bedrooms. Bedrooms shall meet the minimum square footage requirements of this subchapter. No bedroom shall contain less than two separate duplex outlets. No bedroom shall contain less than one switched ceiling or wall type electric light fixture, or one switched duplex outlet. Required switches shall be conveniently located at the entry to the bedroom.
(Ord. 20-564, passed 5-4-2020) Penalty, see § 151.99