13-1: Declaration Of Policy
13-2: Definitions
13-3: Rules Established
13-4: Unlawful Acts
13-5: Mandatory Service
13-6: Unlawful Disposition Of Solid Waste Generally
13-7: Residential Solid Waste Collection Service
13-8: Solid Waste Receptacles
13-9: Reserved
13-10: General Provisions
13-11: Bin Container Pads And Enclosures
13-12: Special Pick Up, Disposal And Collection Event Services
13-13: Enforcement; Powers And Duties Of City Manager Or His Designee
13-14: Charges For Collection; Time And Manner Of Payment
13-15: Building Design Requirements
13-16: Unlawful To Burn Solid Waste
13-17: Penalty For Contamination Of Yard Waste
13-18: Collection Of Recyclable Materials
13-19: Recycling Hauler Permit Requirement And Application
13-20: Refusal To Issue Permit
13-21: Term And Renewal
13-22: Reporting Requirements
13-23: Home Generated Sharps Waste Management Program
13-24: Penalty For Violation
13-25: Compliance With The Act And SB 1383 Regulatory Compliance
It is hereby declared to be the purpose of this chapter to regulate the collection, transport, and disposal of solid waste in order to protect the public safety, health and welfare and to enhance the environment of the people of Porterville. Further, it is the purpose of this chapter to regulate the collection and disposition of recyclables generated within the city and to establish reporting requirements and guidelines that shall be followed by licensees to minimize the amount of such recyclables deposited into landfills. (Ord. 1494A, 7-20-1993; Ord. 1890, 3-1-2022)