15-1: Definitions
15-2: Purpose Of Chapter
15-3: Substitute For Other Revenue Ordinances
15-4: Effect Of Chapter On Past Actions And Obligations Previously Accrued
15-5: License Required
15-5.1: Refusal To Issue License
15-6: Exemptions
15-7: Application For License
15-8: License Issuance
15-9: License Renewal
15-9.1: Termination Of Business
15-10: Penalties
15-11: Enforcement, Inspections And Audits Of Businesses
15-11.1: License Fee Debt; Minimum Fee
15-12: Revocability Of License
15-13: Appeals
15-14: Failure To File Statement Or Corrected Statement
15-15: Additional Power Of Collector
15-16: Assignment Or Transfer; License Or Location
15-17: Reserved
15-18: Duplicate License
15-18.1: Refunds
15-19: Posting And Keeping Licenses
15-20: Regulations
15-21: Violation
For the purposes of this chapter, certain words and phrases used herein are defined as follows:
   ADVERTISING SOLICITOR: Any person who goes from place to place within the city selling or offering to sell advertising service using any advertising method.
   AMUSEMENTS, AMUSEMENT RIDES: One or more merry-go-rounds, exhibitions, flying horses, Ferris wheels, or other similar devices.
   ARCADE: A commercial establishment containing any combination of five (5) or more apparatuses, devices and/or machines operated by payment of fees and where the apparatus, devices and/or machines make possible a game or contest.
   AUCTION SALES: All sales by auction of personal and/or real property.
   BUSINESS: Professions, trades and occupations, and all and every kind of calling whether or not carried on for profit.
   CARD ROOM: Any room in which there are card tables used, kept or intended for use in the playing of any kind of legal card game where the same is conducted as a business or in connection with a business.
   CARNIVAL: A group of two (2) or more shows, entertainments, games, devices, mechanical rides, amusements, vaudeville or dramatic or minstrel performance, or games, tricks, devices or wheels, the result of the operation of which is dependent upon chance or skill, and as a result of the operation of which things or representatives of value are given or paid. The charging of a single admission fee to a carnival shall not limit the provisions of this chapter.
   CITY: City of Porterville, Tulare County, state of California.
   COLLECTOR: The administrative services manager or designee of the city and duly authorized assistants and/or deputies of the director.
   CONTRACTORS: Means and includes those trades licensed by the state contractors' licensing board.
   FIXED PLACE OF BUSINESS OR ESTABLISHED BUSINESS WITHIN THE CITY: A permanent store, office or place where business is legally and regularly transacted from month to month in such manner as business of that nature is generally or customarily carried on and conducted and when the circumstances show an intention to become an established, fixed and continuous part of the regular and legitimate business life of the city. In questionable cases, such facts must be shown by the exhibition of a bona fide lease or rental agreement to the premises where such business is to be conducted, such lease or rental agreement to be for a minimum period of not less than ninety (90) days.
   FLEA MARKET OR SWAP MEET: Any collection of two (2) or more vendors gathered together in a common area segregated by spaces, booths or other designated selling locations for the purpose of selling, offering to sell, bartering, or offering to barter, or any combination thereof, goods, wares, merchandise or articles of value. This definition shall be liberally construed so as to apply to any activity commonly known and referred to as a flea market, swap meet, or farmers' market.
   FLEA MARKET OR SWAP MEET OPERATOR: Any person, corporation or organization conducting, managing or engaging in the business of operating a swap meet, flea market, or farmers' market.
   FLEA MARKET OR SWAP MEET VENDOR: Any person, corporation or organization, and all employees and agents thereof, who purchases or acquires a space or spaces from a flea market or swap meet operator, or who purchases or acquires the right to be on the premises for the purpose of operating a business at a flea market, swap meet, or farmers' market.
   GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE: A sale held out in such a manner as to reasonably cause the public to believe that upon the disposal of the stock of goods on hand the business will cease and be discontinued, including, but not limited to, the following types of sales: adjusters; adjustment; alteration; assignees; bankrupt; benefit of administrator; benefit of creditors; benefit of trustees; building coming down; closing; creditors committee; creditors; end; executors; final days; forced out; forced out of business; insolvent; last days; lease expires; liquidation; loss of lease; mortgage sale; receivers; trustees; quitting business; going out of business.
   GOODS: Any goods, wares, merchandise or other personal property capable of being the objects of a sale regulated hereunder.
   GROSS RECEIPTS: Shall include the total amount of the sale price of all sales and the total amount charged or received for the performance of any act or service, of whatever nature it may be, for which a charge is made or credit allowed, whether or not such act or service is done as a part of or in connection with the sale of materials, goods, wares or merchandise. Included in "gross receipts" shall be all receipts, cash credits and property of any kind or nature, without any deduction therefrom on account of the cost of the property sold, the cost of the materials used, labor or service costs, interest paid or payable, or losses or other expenses whatsoever. Included in "gross receipts" as concerns telephone companies shall be only those receipts derived from providing telephone service within the city and only receipts resulting from intrastate telephone service. Excluded from "gross receipts" shall be cash discounts allowed and taken on sales; credit allowed on property accepted as part of the purchase price and which property may later be sold; any tax required by law to be included in or added to the purchase price and collected from the consumer or purchaser; such part of the sale price of property returned by purchasers upon recession of the contract of sale as is refunded whether in cash or by credit; amounts collected for others where the business is acting as an agent or trustee to the extent that such amounts are paid to those from whom collected.
Note: All receipts of a business should be included under gross receipts with the following exceptions:
   A.   Cash discounts allowed.
   B.   Trade in allowances.
   C.   Sales tax.
   D.   Excise tax.
   E.   Any other tax included in or added to the price of the product.
   F.   Sales return allowances.
   G.   Amounts collected as an agent which are to be paid to others. (An example of this might be a down payment collected by a realtor or a stock purchase price collected by a stockbroker.)
   INSURANCE BROKER: A person who, for compensation and on behalf of another person, transacts insurance other than life with, but not on behalf of, an insurer.
   ITINERANT VENDOR OR ITINERANT MERCHANT: All persons, both principal and agent, who engage in a temporary or transient business in the city, selling or offering to sell goods, wares or merchandise or any other thing of value, with the intention of conducting such business for a period of less than ninety (90) days, and who for the purpose of such business hires, leases or occupies any room, doorway, vacant lot, building or other place, for the exhibition for sale of goods, wares, merchandise or other thing of value. If any such place, occupied or used for such business, is rented or leased for a period of less than ninety (90) days, such fact shall be presumptive evidence that the business carried on therein is a transient business; and any person so engaged shall not be relieved from the provisions of this section or from payment of the license taxes herein provided for such business, by reason of any temporary association with local dealer, trader, merchant or auctioneer.
The provisions of this definition shall not apply to commercial travelers or selling agents, selling their goods exclusively to merchants, dealers or traders, whether selling for present or future delivery, by sample or otherwise, nor to peddlers, as the same is defined in this chapter. Further, the provisions of this definition shall not apply to persons selling fruit, vegetables, eggs, butter or other farm or ranch products of their own farm or dairy, exclusively, nor shall it apply to food products defined as "cottage foods" pursuant to the Health And Safety Code, live plants or plant cuttings, or homemade arts or crafts when such items are offered for sale by the preparer at a coordinated farmers' market or similar event approved through the city.
   PAID PROMOTER: Every person, and each agent or representative of such person conducting, carrying on or managing, for any compensation whatsoever, the business of selling tickets for, or promoting by advertising or otherwise, any activity within the city.
   PARADE: Any march or procession consisting of persons, animals, or vehicles, or a combination thereof, except funeral processions, upon any public street, sidewalk, alley, or public place, which march or procession does not comply with normal and usual traffic regulation or control.
   PEDDLER: Any person who goes from house to house, place to place, or in or along the streets, within the city selling or offering to sell, barter or exchange, and making or offering to make immediate delivery of any goods, wares, merchandise or anything of value, in the possession of the peddler to persons other than manufacturers, wholesalers, jobbers or retailers of such commodities; provided, that a producer who furnishes directly and delivers any poultry, eggs, butter, fruit, vegetables or meat being exclusively the produce of his own garden, farm, ranch, or dairy to persons within the city, shall not be deemed a peddler within the meaning of this definition.
   PERSON: All domestic and foreign corporations, associations, syndicates, joint stock corporations, partnerships of every kind, clubs, societies, and individuals transacting and carrying on any business in the city other than as an employee.
   PERSONAL LOANS OR SUPPLIER OF FINANCING: Every person who either for himself or any other person engages in the business of loaning money, advancing credit, loaning credit, whether security of any kind (personal or real property) is taken for such loan or advance or not, or purchasing or discounting of any obligation of money due or to become due or any evidence of any obligation of money due, whether such obligation is secured or guaranteed or not. Nothing in this definition shall be deemed or construed to apply to any person conducting a banking business or financial corporation exempt under the laws of California, or to persons required to be licensed by the state of California under provisions of the "personal property brokers act", or to the holder of a pawnbroker's license.
   QUARTER: A period of three (3) calendar months. The "quarter" as referred to in this chapter shall commence on the first days of July, October, January, and April and end on the last days of September, December, March and June. A quarter shall include any fraction thereof.
   RECYCLABLE WASTE HAULER: Any person who goes from place to place, or business to business, within the city collecting and hauling recyclable waste materials such as bottles, cans, cardboard, oil, paper or paper products, or any other substance for the purpose of reclamation or other use. Nothing in this definition shall be deemed or construed to apply to any person conducting business as a junk dealer.
   REMOVAL OF BUSINESS SALE: A sale held out in such a manner as to reasonably cause the public to believe that the person conducting the sale will cease and discontinue business at the place upon disposal of the stock of goods on hand and then will remove to and resume business at a new location in the city or will continue business from other existing locations in the city.
   SEMIANNUAL: A period of six (6) calendar months. The semiannual period as referred to in this chapter shall commence on the first days of July and January and end on the last days of December and June. A semiannual period shall include any fraction thereof.
   SOLICITOR OR CANVASSER: Any person who goes from house to house or from place to place within the city, selling or taking orders for, or offering to sell or take orders for, any goods, wares or merchandise or any article, for future delivery, or selling or taking orders for any service or services to be furnished or performed in the future at any place within the city other than a fixed place of business, or for making, manufacturing, treating or repairing of any article or thing whatsoever, for future delivery.
   STREET VENDORS/PUSH CART VENDORS: Every person conducting, carrying on or managing the selling or offering for sale any food, beverages, goods, wares, merchandise of any type including, but not limited to, plants, flowers, toys, paintings, furniture, or rugs, or articles of personal property, in his/her possession, if the offer for sale occurs from a basket, box or any other type of receptacle, stand, wagon, motor vehicle, push cart, or any other type of vehicle. (Ord. 1324, 12-18-1984; Ord. 1531 § A1, 6-18-1996; Ord. 1586 § A1, 5-16-2000; Ord. 1820, 12-16-2014)